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basics:abbreviations [2020/06/21 20:28]
basics:abbreviations [2022/07/08 18:48] (current)
Line 20: Line 20:
 | airConCtl | .................................. | | | airConCtl | .................................. | |
 | airConSwitch | Flag representing if the air condition switch is active | | | airConSwitch | Flag representing if the air condition switch is active | |
-| alsCal | .................................. | |+| alsCal | Currently active antilag calibartion | |
 | alsDrvAddWheelSpin | .................................. | | | alsDrvAddWheelSpin | .................................. | |
 | alsEnableSwitch | .................................. | | | alsEnableSwitch | .................................. | |
 | alsPlenumDamping | .................................. | | | alsPlenumDamping | .................................. | |
 | alsRecovery | .................................. | | | alsRecovery | .................................. | |
-| alsSelect | .................................. | | +| alsSelect | Anti-lag calibration chosen | | 
-| alsSelectSwitch | .................................. | | +| alsSelectSwitch | The ALS switch (if assigned) position | | 
-| alsSelectSwitchV | .................................. | | +| alsState | Antilag system state | |
-| alsState | .................................. | |+
 | alternatorState | .................................. | | | alternatorState | .................................. | |
-| an01V | .................................. | | +| an01V | Raw voltage analogue input 01 | | 
-| an0XV | .................................. | |+| an0XV | Raw voltage analogue input X1| |
 | astAvg | .................................. | | | astAvg | .................................. | |
 | astPeak | .................................. | | | astPeak | .................................. | |
Line 50: Line 49:
 | atLowCtl | .................................. | | | atLowCtl | .................................. | |
 | atMode | .................................. | | | atMode | .................................. | |
-| atot | .................................. | | +| atot | Automatic transmision oil temperature | | 
-| atotV | .................................. | |+| atotV | Automatic transmision oil temperature voltage | |
 | atSelect | .................................. | | | atSelect | .................................. | |
 | atShiftCtl1Duty | .................................. | | | atShiftCtl1Duty | .................................. | |
Line 63: Line 62:
 | atTrfSlip | .................................. | | | atTrfSlip | .................................. | |
 | atTpsPHD | .................................. | | | atTpsPHD | .................................. | |
-| autoStartState | .................................. | | +| autoStartState | Auto engine start status | | 
-| bap | .................................. | | +| bap | Barometric absolute pressure | |
-| bapV | .................................. | |+
 | beaconPulseRaw | .................................. | | | beaconPulseRaw | .................................. | |
 | beaconPulseVal | .................................. | | | beaconPulseVal | .................................. | |
 | bp01Duty_Spare | .................................. | | | bp01Duty_Spare | .................................. | |
 | bp02Duty_Spare | .................................. | | | bp02Duty_Spare | .................................. | |
-| bpd | .................................. | | +| bpd | Selectable sum or max of compensated bpf and bpr | | 
-| bpf | .................................. | | +| bpf | brake pressure front | | 
-| bpfV | .................................. | | +| bpfV | brake pressure front sensor voltage | | 
-| bpr | .................................. | | +| bpr | brake pressure rear | | 
-| bprV | .................................. | | +| bprV | brake pressure rear sensor voltage | | 
-| brakeLight | .................................. | |+| brakeLight | brake light output status | |
 | btAn | .................................. | | | btAn | .................................. | |
-| btMax | .................................. | |+| btMax | Device internal temperature | |
 | btPwr1 | .................................. | | | btPwr1 | .................................. | |
 | btPwr2 | .................................. | | | btPwr2 | .................................. | |
 | calChkH | .................................. | | | calChkH | .................................. | |
 | calChkL | .................................. | | | calChkL | .................................. | |
-| calDownSwitch | .................................. | | +| calDownSwitch | Calibration down switch state | | 
-| calDownSwitchV | .................................. | |+| calDownSwitchV | Calibration down switch raw voltage | |
 | calibrationState | .................................. | | | calibrationState | .................................. | |
-| calOverrideActive | .................................. | |+| calOverrideActive | Calibration override active or not | |
 | calOverrideAvailTime | .................................. | | | calOverrideAvailTime | .................................. | |
 | calOverrideAvailUses | .................................. | | | calOverrideAvailUses | .................................. | |
Line 98: Line 96:
 | calOverridePermitted | .................................. | | | calOverridePermitted | .................................. | |
 | calOverridePermittedTimer | .................................. | | | calOverridePermittedTimer | .................................. | |
-| calOverrideSwitch | .................................. | |+| calOverrideSwitch | State of the calibration override switch | |
 | calOverrideSwitchA | .................................. | | | calOverrideSwitchA | .................................. | |
 | calOverrideSwitchB | .................................. | | | calOverrideSwitchB | .................................. | |
-| calSelect | .................................. | | +| calSelect | Current selected calibration | | 
-| calSwitch | .................................. | | +| calSwitch | Calibration switch | | 
-| calSwitchV | .................................. | | +| calUpSwitch | Calibration switch for next calibration | | 
-| calUpSwitch | .................................. | | +| camRaw | raw value of teeth on cam shaft | | 
-| calUpSwitchV | .................................. | | +| carCode0X | Custom car codes used in PNP kits Each of them is explained in the PNP kit manual 
-| camRaw | .................................. | | +| ccp1 | Crank case pressure | | 
-| carCode0X | .................................. | | +| ccp1Trip | Crank case pressure trip active | |
-| ccp1 | .................................. | | +
-| ccp1Trip | .................................. | | +
-| ccp1V | .................................. | |+
 | changeLightStage | .................................. | | | changeLightStage | .................................. | |
 | changeLightState | .................................. | | | changeLightState | .................................. | |
Line 123: Line 118:
 | cllCylOffDis1 | .................................. | | | cllCylOffDis1 | .................................. | |
 | cllCylOffDis2 | .................................. | | | cllCylOffDis2 | .................................. | |
-| cllEnable | .................................. | | +| cllEnable | Closed loop lambda control enabled | | 
-| cllError1 | .................................. | | +| cllError1 | Difference between current lambda and target lambda | | 
-| cllI1 | .................................. | | +| cllI1 | Integrator value of closed loop lambda control | | 
-| cllP1 | .................................. | | +| cllP1 | Proportional duty value of closed loop lambda control | | 
-| cllTarg1 | .................................. | | +| cllTarg1 | Lambda target | | 
-| cllTargAddAct1 | .................................. | | +| cllTargAddAct1 | Lambda target adder based on air charge temperature | | 
-| cllTargAddCalSw | .................................. | | +| cllTargAddCalSw | Lambda target adder based on calibration switch | | 
-| cllTargAddEct1 | .................................. | | +| cllTargAddEct1 | Lambda target adder based on engine coolant temperature | | 
-| cllTargAddEgt1 | .................................. | | +| cllTargAddEgt1 | Lambda target adder based on exhaust gas temperature | | 
-| cllTargAddGear | .................................. | | +| cllTargAddGear | Lambda target adder based on current gear | | 
-| clppA | .................................. | | +| clppA | Clutch paddle position sensor A | | 
-| clppAV | .................................. | | +| clppB | Clutch paddle position sensor B | | 
-| clppB | .................................. | | +| clppMax | Clutch paddle position sensor max between A and B | | 
-| clppBV | .................................. | | +| clpr | Clutch pressure | | 
-| clppMax | .................................. | | +| clps | Clutch position sensor | | 
-| clpr | .................................. | | +| clpsDTF | Clutch position sensor derivative fast  | | 
-| clprV | .................................. | | +| clPwm01DutyBase_tba | closed loop PWM01 base duty cycle - user defined | | 
-| clps | .................................. | | +| clPwm01DutyFinal_tba | closed loop PWM01 final duty cycle - user defined | | 
-| clpsDTF | .................................. | | +| clPwm01DutyI_tba | closed loop PWM01 integral - user defined | | 
-| clpsV | .................................. | | +| clPwm01DutyP_tba | closed loop PWM01 proportional - user defined | | 
-| clPwm01DutyBase_tba | .................................. | | +| Clutch1Pr_UXX | Clutch 1 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit) | | 
-| clPwm01DutyFinal_tba | .................................. | | +| Clutch2Pr_UXX | Clutch 2 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit) | | 
-| clPwm01DutyI_tba | .................................. | | +| clutchSwitch | Clutch Switch | |
-| clPwm01DutyP_tba | .................................. | | +
-| Clutch1Pr_UXX | .................................. | | +
-| Clutch1Pr_UXXV | .................................. | | +
-| Clutch2Pr_UXX | .................................. | | +
-| Clutch2Pr_UXXV | .................................. | | +
-| clutchSwitch | .................................. | | +
-| clutchSwitchV | .................................. | |+
 | codeBranch | .................................. | | | codeBranch | .................................. | |
 | codeRevision | .................................. | | | codeRevision | .................................. | |
 | codeVersion | .................................. | | | codeVersion | .................................. | |
-| cruiseActive | .................................. | | +| cruiseActive | cruise control active state | | 
-| cruiseDisableCause | .................................. | |+| cruiseDisableCause | cruise control disable cause | |
 | cruiseDisableRpmErr | .................................. | | | cruiseDisableRpmErr | .................................. | |
 | cruiseDnSwitch | .................................. | | | cruiseDnSwitch | .................................. | |
Line 178: Line 166:
 | cruiseVehSpdTarg | .................................. | | | cruiseVehSpdTarg | .................................. | |
 | cycleCount | .................................. | | | cycleCount | .................................. | |
-| cyl01Knock | .................................. | | +| cyl01Knock | Raw knock value on cylinder 1 | | 
-| cyl01KnockFreeCycles | .................................. | | +| cyl01KnockFreeCycles | Count of cycles during which no knock event occurred | | 
-| cyl01KnockIgnRetard | .................................. | | +| cyl01KnockIgnRetard | Ignition retard due to knock on cylinder 1 | | 
-| cyl01KnockPreIgnCnt | .................................. | | +| cyl01KnockPreIgnCnt | Count of pre-ignition events on cylinder 1 | | 
-| cyl01KnockSatEvtCnt | .................................. | | +| cyl01KnockSatEvtCnt | Count of knock sensor saturation events | | 
-| cyl01KnockThresh | .................................. | | +| cyl01KnockThresh | Knock threshold of cylinder 1 | | 
-| cylinderCount | .................................. | |+| cylinderCount | Number of cylinders | |
 | cylLearnEnable1 | .................................. | | | cylLearnEnable1 | .................................. | |
 | dbgStm | .................................. | | | dbgStm | .................................. | |
-| dbw1Duty | .................................. | | +| dbw1Duty | Drive by wire duty | | 
-| dbw1DutyBase | .................................. | | +| dbw1DutyBase | Base drive by wire duty | | 
-| dbw1DutyI | .................................. | | +| dbw1DutyI | Drive by wire integral term | | 
-| dbw1DutyPD | .................................. | | +| dbw1DutyPD | Drive by wire PD term | | 
-dbw1DutyErr .................................. | | +dbw1Err Difference between drive by wire target and your throttle position | | 
-| dbw1DutyLimitDip | .................................. | |+| dbw1DutyLimitDip | Drive by wire duty limit based on the Direct Injection Pressure | |
 | dbw1DutyLimitWgc | .................................. | | | dbw1DutyLimitWgc | .................................. | |
-dbw1DutySelect .................................. | | +dbw1Select DBW Calibration map selected | | 
-dbw1DutyTarg .................................. | | +dbw1Targ Drive by wire target | | 
-dbw1DutyTargDT .................................. | | +dbw1TargDT Drive by wire target derivative (rate of change) | | 
-| dbwLimit | .................................. | |+| dbwLimit | Maximum allowed DBW opening | |
 | dbwLimitAt | .................................. | | | dbwLimitAt | .................................. | |
-| dbwLimitCalSw | .................................. | |+| dbwLimitCalSw | Maximum allowed DBW opening based on Cal Switch | |
 | dbwLimitGearLearn | .................................. | | | dbwLimitGearLearn | .................................. | |
-| dbwLimitLaunch | .................................. | | +| dbwLimitLaunch | Maximum allowed DBW opening while Launch Control is active | | 
-| dbwLimitLimp | .................................. | | +| dbwLimitLimp | Drive by wire limit in limp mode | | 
-| dbwLimitPit | .................................. | | +| dbwLimitPit | Drive by wire limit when pit lane speed limiter is active | | 
-| dbwLimitRevLimit | .................................. | | +| dbwLimitRevLimit | Drive by wire limit when rev limiter is active | | 
-| dbwMltCalSw | .................................. | | +| dbwMltCalSw | Drive by wire multiplier by calibration switch | | 
-| dbwStatus | .................................. | | +| dbwStatus | Drive by wire system status | | 
-| dbwTargAls | .................................. | | +| dbwTargAls | Drive by wire target when antilag is active | | 
-| dbwTargBlip | .................................. | | +| dbwTargBlip | Drive by wire target during a blip event (iedownshift) | | 
-| dbwTargIdle | .................................. | | +| dbwTargIdle | Drive by wire target when idle control is active | | 
-| dbwTargLaunch | .................................. | | +| dbwTargLaunch | Drive by wire target when launch control is active | | 
-| dbwTargLimp | .................................. | |+| dbwTargLimp | Drive by wire target when in limp mode | |
 | dbwTargMltGearCut | .................................. | | | dbwTargMltGearCut | .................................. | |
 | debugX | .................................. | | | debugX | .................................. | |
-| dip1 | .................................. | | +| dip1 | Direct injection pressure | | 
-| dip1A | .................................. | | +| dip1A | Direct injection pressure sensor A | | 
-| dip1AV | .................................. | | +| dip1B | Direct injection pressure sensor B | | 
-| dip1B | .................................. | | +| dip1Err | Difference between your direct injection pressure target and current direct injection pressure | | 
-| dip1BV | .................................. | | +| dip1Fault | Flag designating the direct injection sensor faulty | | 
-| dip1Err | .................................. | | +| dip1Select | Flag showing if direct injection pressure A or B sensors are used | |
-| dip1Fault | .................................. | | +
-| dip1Select | .................................. | |+
 | dpc | .................................. | | | dpc | .................................. | |
 | dpcV | .................................. | | | dpcV | .................................. | |
Line 230: Line 216:
 | dpr | .................................. | | | dpr | .................................. | |
 | dprV | .................................. | | | dprV | .................................. | |
-| drivenSpeed | .................................. | | +| drivenSpeed | the driven wheel speed of vehicle - could be higher than vehicle speed due to wheel spin | | 
-| driveRatio | .................................. | |+| driveRatio | overall gearing ratio of speed vs rpm for gear selected at current time | |
 | driveRatioErr | .................................. | | | driveRatioErr | .................................. | |
 | drLearnGearFlags | .................................. | | | drLearnGearFlags | .................................. | |
 | drvSpdFault | .................................. | | | drvSpdFault | .................................. | |
 | dsRpm | .................................. | | | dsRpm | .................................. | |
-| dtc | .................................. | | +| dtc | Centre differential pressure| | 
-| dtcV | .................................. | | +| dtf | Front differential pressure | |
-| dtf | .................................. | | +
-| dtfV | .................................. | |+
 | dTjps | .................................. | | | dTjps | .................................. | |
-| dtr | .................................. | | +| dtr | Rear differential pressure | | 
-| dtrV | .................................. | | +| ecp | Engine coolant pressure | | 
-| ecp | .................................. | | +| ecpTripLow | Engine coolant pressure low pressure limp mode active | | 
-| ecpTripLow | .................................. | | +| ecpV | Engine coolant pressure raw voltage | | 
-| ecpV | .................................. | | +| ect1 | Engine coolant temperature sensor 1 | | 
-| ect1 | .................................. | | +| ectMax | Engine coolant temperature higher value of sensor 1 and 2 | | 
-| ect1V | .................................. | | +| ectMin | Engine coolant temperature lower value of sensor 1 and 2 | | 
-| ectMax | .................................. | | +| ectOut | Engine coolant temperature out | | 
-| ectMin | .................................. | | +| ectOutV | Engine coolant temperature out raw voltage | |
-| ectOut | .................................. | | +
-| ectOutV | .................................. | |+
 | egrDuty1 | .................................. | | | egrDuty1 | .................................. | |
 | egrDutyI | .................................. | | | egrDutyI | .................................. | |
Line 257: Line 239:
 | egrState | .................................. | | | egrState | .................................. | |
 | egrTurboErr | .................................. | | | egrTurboErr | .................................. | |
-| egt1 | .................................. | | +| egt1 | Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 | | 
-| egt1V | .................................. | | +| eht | Engine housing temperature sensor | | 
-| eht | .................................. | | +| enableSwitch | Engine run switch in off position, ignition and injection outputs are disabled.| 
-| ehtV | .................................. | | +| engineEnable | Engine/ECU running state | |
-| enableSwitch | .................................. +
-| enableSwitchA | .................................+
-| engineEnable | .................................. | |+
 | engineStopTimer | .................................. | | | engineStopTimer | .................................. | |
-| engTrq | .................................. | | +| engTrq | Engine torque | | 
-| engTrqDmdPps | .................................. | |+| engTrqDmdPps | Engine torque demand based on pedal position | |
 | engTrqEstDmdMargin | .................................. | | | engTrqEstDmdMargin | .................................. | |
-| engTrqEstFriction | .................................. | | +| engTrqEstFriction | Engine torque estimated friction | | 
-| engTrqEstMbt | .................................. | | +| engTrqEstMbt | Estimated current engine torque before friction losses | | 
-| engTrqEstMbtPreClamp | .................................. | |+| engTrqEstMbtPreClamp | Same as above, but without the clamp set in the clamp table | |
 | engTrqEstMotor | .................................. | | | engTrqEstMotor | .................................. | |
-| engTrqEstOutput | .................................. | | +| engTrqEstOutput | Engine torque output sent to the transmission | | 
-| engTrqEstOutputPot | .................................. | | +| engTrqEstOutputPot | Potential engine torque output sent to the transmission This is the torque that's available if we'd disregard the torque interventions
-| engTrqEstOutputTrans | .................................. | | +| engTrqEstOutputTrans | Engine torque output sent to the transmission during transient events | | 
-| engTrqLim | .................................. | | +| engTrqLim | Request from the transmission on what to drop torque to Happens during shifts and if we send more torque to the trans than it's willing to support 
-| engTrqLimCutSev | .................................. | | +| engTrqLimCutSev | Cut severity active to lower torque based on engTrqLim | | 
-| engTrqLimIgnRtd | .................................. | | +| engTrqLimIgnRtd | Ignition retard active to lower torque based on engTrqLim | | 
-| engTrqLimMlt | .................................. | | +| engTrqLimMlt | Multiplier between current engine torque and engTrqLim Used to decide on how much to retard ignition and when to introduce cuts 
-| engTrqLimMltMinIgnRtd | .................................. | |+| engTrqLimMltMinIgnRtd | Below this value Syvecs will start using cuts in addition to retatrs | |
 | engTrqLimMotor | .................................. | | | engTrqLimMotor | .................................. | |
-| engTrqLimPpsLimit | .................................. | |+| engTrqLimPpsLimit | engTrqLim based on the pedal position | |
 | engTrqLimRL | .................................. | | | engTrqLimRL | .................................. | |
 | engTrqLimV | .................................. | | | engTrqLimV | .................................. | |
 | engTrqV | .................................. | | | engTrqV | .................................. | |
-| eop1 | .................................. | | +| eop1 | Engine oil pressure sensor 1 | | 
-| eop1DipCount | .................................. | | +| eop1DipCount | Engine oil pressure count of times it dipped lower than trip  pressure | | 
-| eop1StartThresh | .................................. | | +| eop1StartThresh | EOP to be reached before engine is allowed to start | | 
-| eop1TripThresh | .................................. | | +| eop1TripThresh | Engine oil pressure trip threshold (minimum pressure) | | 
-| eop1V | .................................. | | +| eot | Engine oil temperature | | 
-| eot | .................................. | | +| eotIn | Engine oil temperature in | | 
-| eotIn | .................................. | | +| eotInV | Engine oil temperature in sensor voltage | |
-| eotInV | .................................. | |+
 | eotSq | .................................. | | | eotSq | .................................. | |
 | eotSqV | .................................. | | | eotSqV | .................................. | |
-| eotV | .................................. | |+| eotV | Engine oil temperature sensor voltage | |
 | errorFlags | .................................. | | | errorFlags | .................................. | |
 | errorFlagsH | .................................. | | | errorFlagsH | .................................. | |
 | errorFlagsL | .................................. | | | errorFlagsL | .................................. | |
-| fan1 | .................................. | |+| fan1 | Fan 1 output status | |
 | fan1Switch | .................................. | | | fan1Switch | .................................. | |
 | fcyBoostActive | .................................. | | | fcyBoostActive | .................................. | |
 | fcyBoostSwitch | .................................. | | | fcyBoostSwitch | .................................. | |
-| fcyLightOn | .................................. | | +| fcyLightOn | Full course yellow light status | | 
-| fcyLimitActive | .................................. | | +| fcyLimitActive | Full course yellow limiter active | | 
-| fcySwitch | .................................. | | +| fcySwitch | Full course yellow switch position | | 
-| flDamper | .................................. | | +| flDamper | Front left damper position | | 
-| flDamperV | .................................. | | +| flSpeed | Front left wheel speed | | 
-| flSpeed | .................................. | | +| flSpeedA | Front left wheel speed sensor A | |
-| flSpeedA | .................................. | |+
 | flSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | | | flSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | |
-| flSpeedAV | .................................. | | +| flSpeedB | Front left wheel speed sensor B | |
-| flSpeedB | .................................. | |+
 | flSpeedBSpikeCount | .................................. | | | flSpeedBSpikeCount | .................................. | |
-flSpeedBV .................................. | | +flSpeedCond Front left wheel speed conditioned Explained under Sensors / Defined Sensors ... / Vehicle Speeed / Lat G Based Conditioning 
-| flSpeedCond | .................................. | +| flSpeedFault | Flag for left speed sensor faulty | | 
-| flSpeedFault | .................................. | | +| flSpeedSelect | Flag showing if A or B sensors are used for front left wheel speed | | 
-| flSpeedSelect | .................................. | | +flvlX Fuel level | |
-flvlA .................................. | | +
-| flvlAV | .................................. | | +
-| flvlB | .................................. | | +
-| flvlBV | .................................. | |+
 | flxTrFuelBase | .................................. | | | flxTrFuelBase | .................................. | |
 | flxTrFuelCrank | .................................. | | | flxTrFuelCrank | .................................. | |
Line 328: Line 300:
 | flxTrIgnCrank | .................................. | | | flxTrIgnCrank | .................................. | |
 | flxTrIgnWgMapTarg | .................................. | | | flxTrIgnWgMapTarg | .................................. | |
-| fp1 | .................................. | | +| fp1 | Fuel Pressure  | | 
-| fp1V | .................................. | |+| fp1V | Fuel Pressure raw voltage | |
 | fpMin | .................................. | | | fpMin | .................................. | |
 | fpoSwitch | .................................. | | | fpoSwitch | .................................. | |
 | fpp | .................................. | | | fpp | .................................. | |
 | fppV | .................................. | | | fppV | .................................. | |
-| frDamper | .................................. | | +| frDamper | Front right damper position | | 
-| frDamperV | .................................. | | +| frDamperV | Front right damper position sensor voltage | | 
-| frSpeed | .................................. | |+| frSpeed | Front Right wheel speed| |
 | frSpeedA | .................................. | | | frSpeedA | .................................. | |
 | frSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | | | frSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | |
Line 346: Line 318:
 | frSpeedFault | .................................. | | | frSpeedFault | .................................. | |
 | frSpeedSelect | .................................. | | | frSpeedSelect | .................................. | |
-| ft1 | .................................. | | +| ft1 | Fuel Temperature | | 
-| ft1V | .................................. | | +| ft1V |Fuel Temperature raw voltage | | 
-| fuelAddDip1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddDip1 | Pulse width adder depending on Direct Injection Pressure | | 
-| fuelAddN2o | .................................. | | +| fuelAddN2o | Pulse width adder based on N2o (Nitrous) | | 
-| fuelAddTfc1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddTfc1 | Pulse width adder from the transient fueling | | 
-| fuelAddVbatPri1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddVbatPri1 | Primary injector pulse width adder based on battery voltage | | 
-| fuelAddVbatSec1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddVbatSec1 | Secondary injector pulse width adder based on battery voltage | | 
-| fuelBase1 | .................................. | | +| fuelBase1 | Base pulse width value in current Fuel tale being used. | | 
-| fuelBaseAddIdle | .................................. | |+| fuelBaseAddIdle | Base pulse width adder when Idle Control is active | |
 | fuelBaseSec1 | .................................. | | | fuelBaseSec1 | .................................. | |
 | fuelBaseSecBlend1 | .................................. | | | fuelBaseSecBlend1 | .................................. | |
-| fuelComp | .................................. | | +| fuelComp | Flex fuel ethanol content | |
-| fuelCompV | .................................. | |+
 | fuelConsMass | .................................. | | | fuelConsMass | .................................. | |
 | fuelConsMassLR | .................................. | | | fuelConsMassLR | .................................. | |
Line 370: Line 341:
 | fuelConsVolLR | .................................. | | | fuelConsVolLR | .................................. | |
 | fuelConsVolRate | .................................. | | | fuelConsVolRate | .................................. | |
-| fuelDutyPri1 | .................................. | | +| fuelDutyPri1 | Injector duty cycle for primary injectors | | 
-| fuelDutySec1 | .................................. | | +| fuelDutySec1 | Injector duty cycle for secondary injectors | | 
-| fuelFinalPri1 | .................................. | | +| fuelFinalPri1 | Pulse width applied to primary injectors after all corrections have been applied | | 
-| fuelFinalPriCyl01 | .................................. | | +| fuelFinalPriCyl01 | Same as above, just for 1st cylinder | | 
-| fuelFinalSec1 | .................................. | | +| fuelFinalSec1 | Pulse width applied to secondary injectors after all corrections have been applied | | 
-| fuelFinalSecCyl01 | .................................. | | +| fuelFinalSecCyl01 | Same as above, just for 1st cylinder | | 
-| fuelMltAct1 | .................................. | | +| fuelMltAct1 | Air Charge temp compensation fuel multiplier | | 
-| fuelMltAls | .................................. | | +| fuelMltAls | Fuel multiplier - anti lag | | 
-| fuelMltBap | .................................. | | +| fuelMltBap | Fuel multiplier - barometric pressure | | 
-| fuelMltCalSw | .................................. | | +| fuelMltCalSw | Fuel multiplier - calibration switch | | 
-| fuelMltCll1 | .................................. | | +| fuelMltCll1 | Fuel multiplier - closed loop lambda 1 | | 
-| fuelMltCrank1 | .................................. | | +| fuelMltCrank1 | Fuel multiplier - cranking | | 
-| fuelMltDip1 | .................................. | |+| fuelMltDip1 | Fuel multiplier - direct injection pressure | |
 | fuelMltDipPresTemp1 | .................................. | | | fuelMltDipPresTemp1 | .................................. | |
 | fuelMltDipPresTempInv1 | .................................. | | | fuelMltDipPresTempInv1 | .................................. | |
-| fuelMltEct1 | .................................. | | +| fuelMltEct1 | Fuel multiplier - engine coolant temperature | | 
-| fuelMltFt1 | .................................. | |+| fuelMltFt1 | Fuel multiplier - fuel temperature | |
 | fuelMltGc | .................................. | | | fuelMltGc | .................................. | |
-| fuelMltIdle | .................................. | |+| fuelMltIdle | Fuel multiplier -idle control | |
 | fuelMltLoad1 | .................................. | | | fuelMltLoad1 | .................................. | |
-| fuelMltMap1 | .................................. | |+| fuelMltMap1 | Fuel multiplier - manifold air pressure | |
 | fuelMltOrfcEnd | .................................. | | | fuelMltOrfcEnd | .................................. | |
 | fuelMltPortPressTemp1 | .................................. | | | fuelMltPortPressTemp1 | .................................. | |
-| fuelMltRelFp1 | .................................. | |+| fuelMltRelFp1 | Fuel multiplier based on relative fuel pressure | |
 | fuelMltSafety | .................................. | | | fuelMltSafety | .................................. | |
 | fuelPreInj | .................................. | | | fuelPreInj | .................................. | |
-| fuelPump1 | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1 | Fuel pump 1 state | | 
-| fuelPump1Duty | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1Duty | Fuel pump 1 duty cycle | | 
-| fuelPump1DutyI | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1DutyI | Fuel pump 1 integral | | 
-| fuelPump1DutyP | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1DutyP | Fuel pump 1 proportional | | 
-| fuelPump1FppErr | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1FppErr | Fuel pump 1 error between actual and target | | 
-| fuelPump1FppTarg | .................................. | | +| fuelPump1FppTarg | Fuel pump 1 pressure target | | 
-| fuelSplit1 | .................................. | |+| fuelSplit1 | ratio for primary/secondary injectors in use. | |
 | fuelSplitForce | .................................. | | | fuelSplitForce | .................................. | |
 | fuelSplitSwitchV | .................................. | | | fuelSplitSwitchV | .................................. | |
-| fuelStartAngle | .................................. | | +| fuelStartAngle | Fuel injection start angle (in degrees after compression stroke TDC) See the two parameters below 
-| fuelStartAngleRtdPri | .................................. | | +| fuelStartAngleRtdPri | Primary injector start angle offset from the fuelStartAngle Can use a Math channel to add this and fuelStartAngle to get the final Primary injection angle 
-| fuelStartAngleRtdSec | .................................. | |+| fuelStartAngleRtdSec | Secondary injector start angle offset from the fuelStartAngle Can use a Math channel to add this and fuelStartAngle to get the final Secondary injection angle |
 | fuelSubDip1 | .................................. | | | fuelSubDip1 | .................................. | |
 | gcSelect | .................................. | | | gcSelect | .................................. | |
Line 414: Line 385:
 | gdp | .................................. | | | gdp | .................................. | |
 | gdpV | .................................. | | | gdpV | .................................. | |
-| gear | .................................. | |+| gear | Gear position | |
 | gearBlipInputV | .................................. | | | gearBlipInputV | .................................. | |
 | gearBlipInputVCorr | .................................. | | | gearBlipInputVCorr | .................................. | |
 | gearBlipRequest | .................................. | | | gearBlipRequest | .................................. | |
-| gearBlipState | .................................. | |+| gearBlipState | Gear shift blip status | |
 | gearCutClTime | .................................. | | | gearCutClTime | .................................. | |
 | gearCutDogKickCount | .................................. | | | gearCutDogKickCount | .................................. | |
Line 434: Line 405:
 | gearShiftState | .................................. | | | gearShiftState | .................................. | |
 | gearShiftTargV | .................................. | | | gearShiftTargV | .................................. | |
-| gearV | .................................. | |+| gearV | Gear sensor voltage | |
 | gpsAccTemp | .................................. | | | gpsAccTemp | .................................. | |
 | gpsAltitude | .................................. | | | gpsAltitude | .................................. | |
Line 466: Line 437:
 | idleActiveTime | .................................. | | | idleActiveTime | .................................. | |
 | idleControlTime | .................................. | | | idleControlTime | .................................. | |
-| idleDutyAdd | .................................. | |+| idleDutyAdd | Idle speed duty adder | |
 | idleDutyAddAct | .................................. | | | idleDutyAddAct | .................................. | |
-| idleDutyBase | .................................. | | +| idleDutyBase | Idle control base duty cycle | | 
-| idleDutyI | .................................. | |+| idleDutyI | Idle control integral | |
 | idleDutyMltRpm | .................................. | | | idleDutyMltRpm | .................................. | |
-| idleDutyP | .................................. | | +| idleDutyP | Idle speed proportional | | 
-| idleError | .................................. | | +| idleError | Difference between actual engine speed and the idle speed target | | 
-| idleIgnAddBase | .................................. | |+| idleIgnAddBase | Idle speed additional ignition to base | |
 | idleIgnAuth | .................................. | | | idleIgnAuth | .................................. | |
-| idleTargAdd | .................................. | | +| idleTargAdd | Idle speed target adder | | 
-| idleTarget | .................................. | |+| idleTarget | Idle speed target | |
 | iep | .................................. | | | iep | .................................. | |
 | iepV | .................................. | | | iepV | .................................. | |
 | IFP | .................................. | | | IFP | .................................. | |
 | IFPV | .................................. | | | IFPV | .................................. | |
-| ignAdd | .................................. | | +| ignAdd | Ignition adder | | 
-| ignAddAct1 | .................................. | | +| ignAddAct1 | Ignition adder - air charge temperature | | 
-| ignAddBap | .................................. | | +| ignAddBap | Ignition adder - barometric pressure | | 
-| ignAddCalSw | .................................. | |+| ignAddCalSw | Ignition adder - calibration switch | |
 | ignAddCylAC | .................................. | | | ignAddCylAC | .................................. | |
-| ignAddEct1 | .................................. | | +| ignAddEct1 | Ignition adder - engine coolant temperature | | 
-| ignAddEot | .................................. | | +| ignAddEot | Ignition adder - engine oil temperature | | 
-| ignAddGear | .................................. | | +| ignAddGear | Ignition adder - gear position | | 
-| ignAddIdle | .................................. | | +| ignAddIdle | Ignition adder - idle control | | 
-| ignAddKnock | .................................. | |+| ignAddKnock | Ignition adder - knock | |
 | ignAddKnockEnable | .................................. | | | ignAddKnockEnable | .................................. | |
 | ignAddLoad1 | .................................. | | | ignAddLoad1 | .................................. | |
Line 499: Line 470:
 | ignBase1 | .................................. | | | ignBase1 | .................................. | |
 | ignBaseSec1 | .................................. | | | ignBaseSec1 | .................................. | |
-| ignCharge | .................................. | | +| ignCharge | Coil charge time | | 
-| ignDuty | .................................. | |+| ignDuty | Coil charge duty cycle | |
 | ignFinalPri1 | .................................. | | | ignFinalPri1 | .................................. | |
 | ignFinalPriCyl01 | .................................. | | | ignFinalPriCyl01 | .................................. | |
Line 514: Line 485:
 | iscStepPos | .................................. | | | iscStepPos | .................................. | |
 | iscStepTarg | .................................. | | | iscStepTarg | .................................. | |
-| iscTarg | .................................. | |+| iscTarg | ...................................... | |
 | iscTargAls | .................................. | | | iscTargAls | .................................. | |
 | iscTargBlip | .................................. | | | iscTargBlip | .................................. | |
Line 527: Line 498:
 | knockStatus | .................................. | | | knockStatus | .................................. | |
 | knockWarnLight | .................................. | | | knockWarnLight | .................................. | |
-| kt8_1 | .................................. | | +| kt8_1 | EGT input no 1 from the KT8 CAN device. | | 
-| lam1 | .................................. | | +| lam1 | Lambda sensor 1 reading | | 
-| lam1V | .................................. | | +| lam1V | Lambda sensor 1 voltage | | 
-| lamHtrV | .................................. | | +| lamHtrV | Lambda heater voltage | | 
-| lapCount | .................................. | | +| lapCount | Lam number | | 
-| lapTime | .................................. | |+| lapTime | Lap time | |
 | lapTimeDelta | .................................. | | | lapTimeDelta | .................................. | |
 | lapTimeDeltaH | .................................. | | | lapTimeDeltaH | .................................. | |
 | lapTimeH | .................................. | | | lapTimeH | .................................. | |
-| lapTimePred | .................................. | |+| lapTimePred | Predicted lap time | |
 | lapTimePredH | .................................. | | | lapTimePredH | .................................. | |
 | lapTimeRef | .................................. | | | lapTimeRef | .................................. | |
Line 542: Line 513:
 | lastLapTime | .................................. | | | lastLapTime | .................................. | |
 | lastLapTimeH | .................................. | | | lastLapTimeH | .................................. | |
-| latG | .................................. | | +| latG | Lateral acceleration | | 
-| latGAbs | .................................. | |+| latGAbs | Absolute value of lateral G sensor absolute value can be used in traction control settings |
 | latGNegState | .................................. | | | latGNegState | .................................. | |
 | latGPosState | .................................. | | | latGPosState | .................................. | |
-| latGV | .................................. | |+| latGV | Lateral acceleration sensor voltage | |
 | launchExitState | .................................. | | | launchExitState | .................................. | |
 | launchExitTimer | .................................. | | | launchExitTimer | .................................. | |
Line 565: Line 536:
 | launchState | .................................. | | | launchState | .................................. | |
 | launchSwitch | .................................. | | | launchSwitch | .................................. | |
-| leanTripThresh | .................................. | | +| leanTripThresh | Threshold to trigger limp mode because of lean condition | | 
-| limpMode | .................................. | |+| limpMode | Limp mode status | |
 | limpSwitch | .................................. | | | limpSwitch | .................................. | |
 | limpSwitchPpsDefault | .................................. | | | limpSwitchPpsDefault | .................................. | |
Line 573: Line 544:
 | loadCellSum | .................................. | | | loadCellSum | .................................. | |
 | logDistance | .................................. | | | logDistance | .................................. | |
-| loggingActive | .................................. | |+| loggingActive | Logging system status | |
 | loggingDisabledByPC | .................................. | | | loggingDisabledByPC | .................................. | |
-| loggingSwitch | .................................. | |+| loggingSwitch | Logging system enable switch status | |
 | logMarkerSwitch | .................................. | | | logMarkerSwitch | .................................. | |
 | logOnLoadKiloCycles | .................................. | | | logOnLoadKiloCycles | .................................. | |
 | logOnLoadTime | .................................. | | | logOnLoadTime | .................................. | |
 | logRunTime | .................................. | | | logRunTime | .................................. | |
-| longG | .................................. | | +| longG | Longitudinal G force (positive for acceleration, negative for breaking) | | 
-| longGAbs | .................................. | | +| longGAbs | Longitudinal G force absolute value | | 
-| longGV | .................................. | | +| lowEopLight | Low engine oil pressure light | |
-| lowEopLight | .................................. | |+
 | lowLoadState | .................................. | | | lowLoadState | .................................. | |
-| lowVbatLight | .................................. | | +| lowVbatLight | Low battery voltage light | | 
-| LSUTemp | .................................. | | +| LSUTemp | Bosch LSU oxygen sensor temperature | | 
-| LSUTempV | .................................. | | +| m4AbsActive | Bosch Motorsport ABS active | | 
-| m4AbsActive | .................................. | | +| m4AbsLamp | Bosch Motorsport ABS warning lamp status | | 
-| m4AbsLamp | .................................. | | +| m4AbsMapSwPos | Bosch Motorsport ABS map select switch position | | 
-| m4AbsMapSwPos | .................................. | | +| m4BrakeLightSw | Bosch Motorsport ABS brake light switch status | |
-| m4BrakeLightSw | .................................. | |+
 | m4EbdLamp | .................................. | | | m4EbdLamp | .................................. | |
 | magTrqMPUMeasured | .................................. | | | magTrqMPUMeasured | .................................. | |
 | magTrqMPUMeasuredFlt | .................................. | | | magTrqMPUMeasuredFlt | .................................. | |
 | magTrqVMPUMeasured | .................................. | | | magTrqVMPUMeasured | .................................. | |
-| map1 | .................................. | |+| map1 | Manifold air pressure | |
 | map1A | .................................. | | | map1A | .................................. | |
 | map1AV | .................................. | | | map1AV | .................................. | |
-| map1DT | .................................. | |+| map1DT | Rate of change of manifold air pressure (derivative) | |
 | map1Fault | .................................. | | | map1Fault | .................................. | |
 | map1Select | .................................. | | | map1Select | .................................. | |
Line 631: Line 600:
 | pitchV | .................................. | | | pitchV | .................................. | |
 | pitDistance | .................................. | | | pitDistance | .................................. | |
-| pitLimitActive | .................................. | |+| pitLimitActive | Pit lane speed limit state | |
 | pitRpmError | .................................. | | | pitRpmError | .................................. | |
 | pitSelect | .................................. | | | pitSelect | .................................. | |
 | pitSelectSwitch | .................................. | | | pitSelectSwitch | .................................. | |
 | pitSelectSwitchV | .................................. | | | pitSelectSwitchV | .................................. | |
-| pitSpeedError | .................................. | | +| pitSpeedError | Different between vehicle speed and pit lane target speed | | 
-| pitSpeedTarget | .................................. | | +| pitSpeedTarget | Target pit lane speed | | 
-| pitSwitch | .................................. | | +| pitSwitch | Pit lane speed limit switch status | | 
-| ppsA | .................................. | |+| ppsA | Pedal position sensor A | |
 | ppsAPwmFreq | .................................. | | | ppsAPwmFreq | .................................. | |
-| ppsAV | .................................. | |+| ppsAV | Pedal position sensor A voltage | |
 | ppsDriver | .................................. | | | ppsDriver | .................................. | |
-| ppsExternal | .................................. | +| ppsExternal | Pedal position external | when an external "pedal" sensor is used for setup Commonly temporarily connects to engine bay wiring loom 
-| ppsExternalV | .................................. | | +| ppsExternalV | Pedal position external sensor voltage | | 
-| ppsFault | .................................. | |+| ppsFault | Pedal position fault state | |
 | ppsFinal | .................................. | | | ppsFinal | .................................. | |
 | ppsLearnState | .................................. | | | ppsLearnState | .................................. | |
Line 661: Line 630:
 | rainLightSwitchV | .................................. | | | rainLightSwitchV | .................................. | |
 | refLapClrSwitch | .................................. | | | refLapClrSwitch | .................................. | |
-| relFp1 | .................................. | |+| relFp1 | Relative fuel pressure, MAP/FP1 | |
 | relFpMax | .................................. | | | relFpMax | .................................. | |
 | relFpMin | .................................. | | | relFpMin | .................................. | |
Line 676: Line 645:
 | rlDamper | .................................. | | | rlDamper | .................................. | |
 | rlDamperV | .................................. | | | rlDamperV | .................................. | |
-| rlSpeed | .................................. | |+| rlSpeed | Rear Left Speed | |
 | rlSpeedA | .................................. | | | rlSpeedA | .................................. | |
 | rlSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | | | rlSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | |
Line 686: Line 655:
 | rlSpeedFault | .................................. | | | rlSpeedFault | .................................. | |
 | rlSpeedSelect | .................................. | | | rlSpeedSelect | .................................. | |
-| roll | .................................. | | +| roll | Roll | | 
-| rollV | .................................. | | +| rollV | Roll sensor voltage | | 
-| rpm | .................................. | |+| rpm | Engine speed | |
 | rpmAvg | .................................. | | | rpmAvg | .................................. | |
 | rpmDT | .................................. | | | rpmDT | .................................. | |
Line 697: Line 666:
 | rrDamper | .................................. | | | rrDamper | .................................. | |
 | rrDamperV | .................................. | | | rrDamperV | .................................. | |
-| rrSpeed | .................................. | |+| rrSpeed | Rear Right Speed. | |
 | rrSpeedA | .................................. | | | rrSpeedA | .................................. | |
 | rrSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | | | rrSpeedASpikeCount | .................................. | |
Line 727: Line 696:
 | sbv1Targ | .................................. | | | sbv1Targ | .................................. | |
 | sbv1V | .................................. | | | sbv1V | .................................. | |
-| sdip1Duty | .................................. | | +| sdip1Duty | Direct injection pressure solenoid duty | | 
-| sdip1DutyBase | .................................. | |+| sdip1DutyBase | Base duty for the direct injection pressure solenoid | |
 | sdip1DutyKI | .................................. | | | sdip1DutyKI | .................................. | |
-| sdip1DutyP | .................................. | |+| sdip1DutyP | Closed loop P term of the DIP solenoid duty  | |
 | sdipHoldAngle | .................................. | | | sdipHoldAngle | .................................. | |
 | sdipOpenTime | .................................. | | | sdipOpenTime | .................................. | |
-| sdipTarg | .................................. | | +| sdipTarg | Direct injection pressure target | | 
-| sdipTargBase | .................................. | |+| sdipTargBase | Base direct injection pressure target (before corrections) | |
 | sdipTargMaxEct | .................................. | | | sdipTargMaxEct | .................................. | |
 | sdipTargRodLimit | .................................. | | | sdipTargRodLimit | .................................. | |
Line 750: Line 719:
 | swaV | .................................. | | | swaV | .................................. | |
 | syncFastPhaseEnabled | .................................. | | | syncFastPhaseEnabled | .................................. | |
-| syncFault | .................................. | |+| syncFault | Synchronisation fault | |
 | syncFaultGapIdx | .................................. | | | syncFaultGapIdx | .................................. | |
 | syncFaultPhase | .................................. | | | syncFaultPhase | .................................. | |
 | syncOmitValidationRev | .................................. | | | syncOmitValidationRev | .................................. | |
-| syncState | .................................. | |+| syncState | Engine synchronisation state, 360 or 720 | |
 | tachoV | .................................. | | | tachoV | .................................. | |
-| tbvDuty | .................................. | | +| tbvDuty | Throttle bypass valve duty cycle | | 
-| tbvDutyAls | .................................. | | +| tbvDutyAls | Throttle bypass valve duty cycle when antilag is active | | 
-| tbvDutyBlip | .................................. | | +| tbvDutyBlip | Throttle bypass valve duty cycle during a throttle blip event | | 
-| tbvDutyIdle | .................................. | | +| tbvDutyIdle | Throttle bypass valve duty cycle while idle control is active | | 
-| tbvDutyLimp | .................................. | |+| tbvDutyLimp | Throttle bypass valve duty cycle when limp mode is active | |
 | tcDownSwitch | .................................. | | | tcDownSwitch | .................................. | |
 | tcDownSwitchV | .................................. | | | tcDownSwitchV | .................................. | |
-| tcEnableSwitch | .................................. | | +| tcEnableSwitch | Traction control enable switch status | | 
-| tcGainTcSw | .................................. | | +| tcGainTcSw | Traction control gain switch position | | 
-| tcSelect | .................................. | |+| tcSelect | Traction control select | |
 | tcSpinAddLapDist | .................................. | | | tcSpinAddLapDist | .................................. | |
 | tcSpinAddTcSw | .................................. | | | tcSpinAddTcSw | .................................. | |
Line 793: Line 762:
 | tfcSum1 | .................................. | | | tfcSum1 | .................................. | |
 | timeOnLoadRemaining | .................................. | | | timeOnLoadRemaining | .................................. | |
-| tip | .................................. | |+| tip | Turbine Inlet Pressure | |
 | tipV | .................................. | | | tipV | .................................. | |
-| tit | .................................. | |+| tit | Turbine Inlet Temperature | |
 | titV | .................................. | | | titV | .................................. | |
 | tjCtlDuty | .................................. | | | tjCtlDuty | .................................. | |
Line 808: Line 777:
 | tjTargIdle | .................................. | | | tjTargIdle | .................................. | |
 | tjTargLimp | .................................. | | | tjTargLimp | .................................. | |
-| tps1 | .................................. | | +| tps1 | Throttle position 1 | | 
-| tps1A | .................................. | | +| tps1A | Throttle position 1 - sensor A | | 
-| tps1AV | .................................. | | +| tps1AV | Throttle position 1 - sensor A voltage | | 
-| tps1B | .................................. | | +| tps1B | Throttle position 1 - sensor B | | 
-| tps1BV | .................................. | |+| tps1BV | Throttle position 1 - sensor B voltage | |
 | tps1DT | .................................. | | | tps1DT | .................................. | |
 | tps1DTF | .................................. | | | tps1DTF | .................................. | |
 | tps1Fault | .................................. | | | tps1Fault | .................................. | |
 | tps1Select | .................................. | | | tps1Select | .................................. | |
-| tpsClosed | .................................. | |+| tpsClosed | Throttle position is below the closed threshold set in CAL | |
 | tpsDTMax | .................................. | | | tpsDTMax | .................................. | |
 | tpsLow | .................................. | | | tpsLow | .................................. | |
-| tpsMax | .................................. | |+| tpsMax | Maximum position of all throttle position sensors | |
 | trqEstMbtAdd | .................................. | | | trqEstMbtAdd | .................................. | |
 | trqFuelMlt | .................................. | | | trqFuelMlt | .................................. | |
Line 856: Line 825:
 | tyreTypeTcSw | .................................. | | | tyreTypeTcSw | .................................. | |
 | varFreq | .................................. | | | varFreq | .................................. | |
-| vbat | .................................. | |+| vbat | Battery voltage | |
 | vbatRaw | .................................. | | | vbatRaw | .................................. | |
-| vehicleSpeed | .................................. | |+| vehicleSpeed | non-driven wheel speed | |
 | vehicleSpeedAvg | .................................. | | | vehicleSpeedAvg | .................................. | |
 | vehSpdFault | .................................. | | | vehSpdFault | .................................. | |
 | vehStopTime | .................................. | | | vehStopTime | .................................. | |
-| vertG | .................................. | | +| vertG | Vertical acceleration (G-sensor) | | 
-| vertGV | .................................. | |+| vertGV | Vertical acceleration sensor voltage | |
 | viDuty | .................................. | | | viDuty | .................................. | |
 | vinTx | .................................. | | | vinTx | .................................. | |
 | viOpenTps | .................................. | | | viOpenTps | .................................. | |
-| vvt1Ex | .................................. | | +| vvt1Ex | Variable cam position - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1ExDuty | .................................. | | +| vvt1ExDuty | Variable cam duty cycle - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1ExErr | .................................. | | +| vvt1ExErr | Variable cam error between target and actual position - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1ExI | .................................. | | +| vvt1ExI | Variable cam integral - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1ExP | .................................. | | +| vvt1ExP | Variable cam proportional - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1ExRaw | .................................. | | +| vvt1ExRaw | Variable cam raw position - exhaust 1 | | 
-| vvt1In | .................................. | | +| vvt1In | Variable cam position - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvt1InDuty | .................................. | | +| vvt1InDuty | Variable cam duty cycle - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvt1InErr | .................................. | | +| vvt1InErr | Variable cam error between target and actual position - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvt1InI | .................................. | | +| vvt1InI | Variable cam integral - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvt1InP | .................................. | | +| vvt1InP | Variable cam proportional - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvt1InRaw | .................................. | | +| vvt1InRaw | Variable cam raw position - inlet 1 | | 
-| vvtExBase | .................................. | | +| vvtExBase | Variable cam exhaust base duty cycle | | 
-| vvtExTarg | .................................. | | +| vvtExTarg | Variable cam exhaust target position | | 
-| vvtInBase | .................................. | | +| vvtInBase | Variable cam inlet base duty cycle | | 
-| vvtInTarg | .................................. | | +| vvtInTarg | Variable cam inlet target position | | 
-| vvtState | .................................. | |+| vvtState | Variable valve timing system state | |
 | waterInjection | .................................. | | | waterInjection | .................................. | |
 | wg3ErrPct1 | .................................. | | | wg3ErrPct1 | .................................. | |
Line 895: Line 864:
 | wgAddVbat | .................................. | | | wgAddVbat | .................................. | |
 | wgAntiphaseDuty1 | .................................. | | | wgAntiphaseDuty1 | .................................. | |
-| wgBaseDuty1 | .................................. | |+| wgBaseDuty1 | Base duty cycle from boost control table | |
 | wgDutyAddLearn1 | .................................. | | | wgDutyAddLearn1 | .................................. | |
 | wgcDbwInt1 | .................................. | | | wgcDbwInt1 | .................................. | |
Line 904: Line 873:
 | wgcp1V | .................................. | | | wgcp1V | .................................. | |
 | wgcStrategyActive | .................................. | | | wgcStrategyActive | .................................. | |
-| wgDutyAdd | .................................. | | +| wgDutyAdd | Global wastegate duty adder | | 
-| wgDutyAddBap | .................................. | | +| wgDutyAddBap | Wastegate duty adder based on barometric pressure | | 
-| wgDutyAddTps1 | .................................. | | +| wgDutyAddTps1 | Wastegate duty adder based on throttle position | | 
-| wgFinalDuty1 | .................................. | |+| wgFinalDuty1 | Output duty applied to wastegate control solenoid after all corrections | |
 | wgIgnRtd1 | .................................. | | | wgIgnRtd1 | .................................. | |
 | wgIntDuty1 | .................................. | | | wgIntDuty1 | .................................. | |
Line 930: Line 899:
 | wgTpsProg1 | .................................. | | | wgTpsProg1 | .................................. | |
 | wgTurboErr1 | .................................. | | | wgTurboErr1 | .................................. | |
-| wheelSpin | .................................. | |+| wheelSpin | difference between driven wheel speed and vehicle speed | |
 | wheelSpinFlt | .................................. | | | wheelSpinFlt | .................................. | |
 | wow | .................................. | | | wow | .................................. | |
Line 937: Line 906:
 | wsPitLimitInt | .................................. | | | wsPitLimitInt | .................................. | |
 | wsPitLimitProp | .................................. | | | wsPitLimitProp | .................................. | |
-| yaw | .................................. | | +| yaw | Yaw sensor | | 
-| yawABs | .................................. | | +| yawABs | Absolute value of the yaw sensor | | 
-| yawV | .................................. | |+| yawV | Yaw sensor voltage | |
  • basics/abbreviations.1592764138.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/06/21 20:28
  • by nmerdan