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basics:abbreviations [2020/12/21 22:39]
basics:abbreviations [2022/07/08 18:48] (current)
Line 20: Line 20:
 | airConCtl | .................................. | | | airConCtl | .................................. | |
 | airConSwitch | Flag representing if the air condition switch is active | | | airConSwitch | Flag representing if the air condition switch is active | |
-| alsCal | .................................. | |+| alsCal | Currently active antilag calibartion | |
 | alsDrvAddWheelSpin | .................................. | | | alsDrvAddWheelSpin | .................................. | |
 | alsEnableSwitch | .................................. | | | alsEnableSwitch | .................................. | |
Line 26: Line 26:
 | alsRecovery | .................................. | | | alsRecovery | .................................. | |
 | alsSelect | Anti-lag calibration chosen | | | alsSelect | Anti-lag calibration chosen | |
-| alsSelectSwitch | .................................. | | +| alsSelectSwitch | The ALS switch (if assigned) position | |
-| alsSelectSwitchV | .................................. | |+
 | alsState | Antilag system state | | | alsState | Antilag system state | |
 | alternatorState | .................................. | | | alternatorState | .................................. | |
Line 69: Line 68:
 | bp01Duty_Spare | .................................. | | | bp01Duty_Spare | .................................. | |
 | bp02Duty_Spare | .................................. | | | bp02Duty_Spare | .................................. | |
-| bpd | .................................. | |+| bpd | Selectable sum or max of compensated bpf and bpr | |
 | bpf | brake pressure front | | | bpf | brake pressure front | |
 | bpfV | brake pressure front sensor voltage | | | bpfV | brake pressure front sensor voltage | |
Line 84: Line 83:
 | calDownSwitchV | Calibration down switch raw voltage | | | calDownSwitchV | Calibration down switch raw voltage | |
 | calibrationState | .................................. | | | calibrationState | .................................. | |
-| calOverrideActive | .................................. | |+| calOverrideActive | Calibration override active or not | |
 | calOverrideAvailTime | .................................. | | | calOverrideAvailTime | .................................. | |
 | calOverrideAvailUses | .................................. | | | calOverrideAvailUses | .................................. | |
Line 97: Line 96:
 | calOverridePermitted | .................................. | | | calOverridePermitted | .................................. | |
 | calOverridePermittedTimer | .................................. | | | calOverridePermittedTimer | .................................. | |
-| calOverrideSwitch | .................................. | |+| calOverrideSwitch | State of the calibration override switch | |
 | calOverrideSwitchA | .................................. | | | calOverrideSwitchA | .................................. | |
 | calOverrideSwitchB | .................................. | | | calOverrideSwitchB | .................................. | |
Line 104: Line 103:
 | calUpSwitch | Calibration switch for next calibration | | | calUpSwitch | Calibration switch for next calibration | |
 | camRaw | raw value of teeth on cam shaft | | | camRaw | raw value of teeth on cam shaft | |
-| carCode0X | .................................. | |+| carCode0X | Custom car codes used in PNP kits Each of them is explained in the PNP kit manual |
 | ccp1 | Crank case pressure | | | ccp1 | Crank case pressure | |
 | ccp1Trip | Crank case pressure trip active | | | ccp1Trip | Crank case pressure trip active | |
Line 193: Line 192:
 | dbwLimitLimp | Drive by wire limit in limp mode | | | dbwLimitLimp | Drive by wire limit in limp mode | |
 | dbwLimitPit | Drive by wire limit when pit lane speed limiter is active | | | dbwLimitPit | Drive by wire limit when pit lane speed limiter is active | |
-| dbwLimitRevLimit | .................................. | |+| dbwLimitRevLimit | Drive by wire limit when rev limiter is active | |
 | dbwMltCalSw | Drive by wire multiplier by calibration switch | | | dbwMltCalSw | Drive by wire multiplier by calibration switch | |
 | dbwStatus | Drive by wire system status | | | dbwStatus | Drive by wire system status | |
Line 223: Line 222:
 | drvSpdFault | .................................. | | | drvSpdFault | .................................. | |
 | dsRpm | .................................. | | | dsRpm | .................................. | |
-| dtc | .................................. | | +| dtc | Centre differential pressure| | 
-| dtcV | .................................. | | +| dtf | Front differential pressure | |
-| dtf | .................................. | | +
-| dtfV | .................................. | |+
 | dTjps | .................................. | | | dTjps | .................................. | |
-| dtr | .................................. | | +| dtr | Rear differential pressure | |
-| dtrV | .................................. | |+
 | ecp | Engine coolant pressure | | | ecp | Engine coolant pressure | |
 | ecpTripLow | Engine coolant pressure low pressure limp mode active | | | ecpTripLow | Engine coolant pressure low pressure limp mode active | |
Line 246: Line 242:
 | eht | Engine housing temperature sensor | | | eht | Engine housing temperature sensor | |
 | enableSwitch | Engine run switch | in off position, ignition and injection outputs are disabled.| | enableSwitch | Engine run switch | in off position, ignition and injection outputs are disabled.|
-| enableSwitchA | .................................. | | 
 | engineEnable | Engine/ECU running state | | | engineEnable | Engine/ECU running state | |
 | engineStopTimer | .................................. | | | engineStopTimer | .................................. | |
Line 286: Line 281:
 | fcyBoostActive | .................................. | | | fcyBoostActive | .................................. | |
 | fcyBoostSwitch | .................................. | | | fcyBoostSwitch | .................................. | |
-| fcyLightOn | .................................. | | +| fcyLightOn | Full course yellow light status | | 
-| fcyLimitActive | .................................. | | +| fcyLimitActive | Full course yellow limiter active | | 
-| fcySwitch | .................................. | |+| fcySwitch | Full course yellow switch position | |
 | flDamper | Front left damper position | | | flDamper | Front left damper position | |
 | flSpeed | Front left wheel speed | | | flSpeed | Front left wheel speed | |
Line 298: Line 293:
 | flSpeedFault | Flag for left speed sensor faulty | | | flSpeedFault | Flag for left speed sensor faulty | |
 | flSpeedSelect | Flag showing if A or B sensors are used for front left wheel speed | | | flSpeedSelect | Flag showing if A or B sensors are used for front left wheel speed | |
-flvlA .................................. | | +flvlX Fuel level | |
-| flvlAV | .................................. | | +
-| flvlB | .................................. | | +
-| flvlBV | .................................. | |+
 | flxTrFuelBase | .................................. | | | flxTrFuelBase | .................................. | |
 | flxTrFuelCrank | .................................. | | | flxTrFuelCrank | .................................. | |
Line 328: Line 320:
 | ft1 | Fuel Temperature | | | ft1 | Fuel Temperature | |
 | ft1V |Fuel Temperature raw voltage | | | ft1V |Fuel Temperature raw voltage | |
-| fuelAddDip1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddDip1 | Pulse width adder depending on Direct Injection Pressure | | 
-| fuelAddN2o | .................................. | | +| fuelAddN2o | Pulse width adder based on N2o (Nitrous) | | 
-| fuelAddTfc1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddTfc1 | Pulse width adder from the transient fueling | | 
-| fuelAddVbatPri1 | .................................. | | +| fuelAddVbatPri1 | Primary injector pulse width adder based on battery voltage | | 
-| fuelAddVbatSec1 | .................................. | |+| fuelAddVbatSec1 | Secondary injector pulse width adder based on battery voltage | |
 | fuelBase1 | Base pulse width value in current Fuel tale being used. | | | fuelBase1 | Base pulse width value in current Fuel tale being used. | |
-| fuelBaseAddIdle | .................................. | |+| fuelBaseAddIdle | Base pulse width adder when Idle Control is active | |
 | fuelBaseSec1 | .................................. | | | fuelBaseSec1 | .................................. | |
 | fuelBaseSecBlend1 | .................................. | | | fuelBaseSecBlend1 | .................................. | |
 | fuelComp | Flex fuel ethanol content | | | fuelComp | Flex fuel ethanol content | |
-| fuelCompV | .................................. | | 
 | fuelConsMass | .................................. | | | fuelConsMass | .................................. | |
 | fuelConsMassLR | .................................. | | | fuelConsMassLR | .................................. | |
Line 385: Line 376:
 | fuelSplitForce | .................................. | | | fuelSplitForce | .................................. | |
 | fuelSplitSwitchV | .................................. | | | fuelSplitSwitchV | .................................. | |
-| fuelStartAngle | .................................. | | +| fuelStartAngle | Fuel injection start angle (in degrees after compression stroke TDC) See the two parameters below 
-| fuelStartAngleRtdPri | .................................. | | +| fuelStartAngleRtdPri | Primary injector start angle offset from the fuelStartAngle Can use a Math channel to add this and fuelStartAngle to get the final Primary injection angle 
-| fuelStartAngleRtdSec | .................................. | |+| fuelStartAngleRtdSec | Secondary injector start angle offset from the fuelStartAngle Can use a Math channel to add this and fuelStartAngle to get the final Secondary injection angle |
 | fuelSubDip1 | .................................. | | | fuelSubDip1 | .................................. | |
 | gcSelect | .................................. | | | gcSelect | .................................. | |
Line 545: Line 536:
 | launchState | .................................. | | | launchState | .................................. | |
 | launchSwitch | .................................. | | | launchSwitch | .................................. | |
-| leanTripThresh | .................................. | |+| leanTripThresh | Threshold to trigger limp mode because of lean condition | |
 | limpMode | Limp mode status | | | limpMode | Limp mode status | |
 | limpSwitch | .................................. | | | limpSwitch | .................................. | |
Line 560: Line 551:
 | logOnLoadTime | .................................. | | | logOnLoadTime | .................................. | |
 | logRunTime | .................................. | | | logRunTime | .................................. | |
-| longG | .................................. | | +| longG | Longitudinal G force (positive for acceleration, negative for breaking) | | 
-| longGAbs | .................................. | | +| longGAbs | Longitudinal G force absolute value | | 
-| longGV | .................................. | | +| lowEopLight | Low engine oil pressure light | |
-| lowEopLight | .................................. | |+
 | lowLoadState | .................................. | | | lowLoadState | .................................. | |
-| lowVbatLight | .................................. | | +| lowVbatLight | Low battery voltage light | | 
-| LSUTemp | .................................. | | +| LSUTemp | Bosch LSU oxygen sensor temperature | |
-| LSUTempV | .................................. | |+
 | m4AbsActive | Bosch Motorsport ABS active | | | m4AbsActive | Bosch Motorsport ABS active | |
 | m4AbsLamp | Bosch Motorsport ABS warning lamp status | | | m4AbsLamp | Bosch Motorsport ABS warning lamp status | |
Line 579: Line 568:
 | map1A | .................................. | | | map1A | .................................. | |
 | map1AV | .................................. | | | map1AV | .................................. | |
-| map1DT | .................................. | |+| map1DT | Rate of change of manifold air pressure (derivative) | |
 | map1Fault | .................................. | | | map1Fault | .................................. | |
 | map1Select | .................................. | | | map1Select | .................................. | |
Line 707: Line 696:
 | sbv1Targ | .................................. | | | sbv1Targ | .................................. | |
 | sbv1V | .................................. | | | sbv1V | .................................. | |
-| sdip1Duty |  | | +| sdip1Duty | Direct injection pressure solenoid duty | | 
-| sdip1DutyBase | .................................. | |+| sdip1DutyBase | Base duty for the direct injection pressure solenoid | |
 | sdip1DutyKI | .................................. | | | sdip1DutyKI | .................................. | |
-| sdip1DutyP | .................................. | |+| sdip1DutyP | Closed loop P term of the DIP solenoid duty  | |
 | sdipHoldAngle | .................................. | | | sdipHoldAngle | .................................. | |
 | sdipOpenTime | .................................. | | | sdipOpenTime | .................................. | |
-| sdipTarg | .................................. | | +| sdipTarg | Direct injection pressure target | | 
-| sdipTargBase | .................................. | |+| sdipTargBase | Base direct injection pressure target (before corrections) | |
 | sdipTargMaxEct | .................................. | | | sdipTargMaxEct | .................................. | |
 | sdipTargRodLimit | .................................. | | | sdipTargRodLimit | .................................. | |
  • basics/abbreviations.1608586747.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/12/21 22:39
  • by nmerdan