
This is an old revision of the document!

The table below may be incomplete, but it should list out all the abbreviations found within the Syvecs Suite. Please add a short description in the “Description” column and any longer details, links to other wiki articles or external resources in the “Details” column. Please keep the list alphabetically sorted.

The number in the output, like act1 and act2, only differentiates two sensors that have different inputs assigned under Pin Assignments. The V suffix on any sensor represents raw voltage as seen on that input (ex. act1V is the voltage on the input assigned to act1).

Abbrevation Meaning Details
aat Ambient air temperature
act1 Air charge temperature 1
act1Fault Flag representing if act1 is faulty
act1Select Flag representing if act1A or act1B is used for act1
actAvg Air charge temperature average between act1 and act2
actionCodeActive …………………………….
actionCodeClrAck …………………………….
actionCodeSetAck …………………………….
actMax Air charge temperature higher of act1 and act2
actMin Air charge temperature lower of act1 and act2
adip1Duty …………………………….
adip2Duty …………………………….
airConCtl …………………………….
airConSwitch Flag representing if the air condition switch is active
alsCal …………………………….
alsDrvAddWheelSpin …………………………….
alsEnableSwitch …………………………….
alsPlenumDamping …………………………….
alsRecovery …………………………….
alsSelect …………………………….
alsSelectSwitch …………………………….
alsSelectSwitchV …………………………….
alsState …………………………….
alternatorState …………………………….
an01V …………………………….
an0XV …………………………….
astAvg …………………………….
astPeak …………………………….
astPeakIdx …………………………….
atAccmP …………………………….
atAccmPDuty …………………………….
atAccmPV …………………………….
atAutoRampDown …………………………….
atAutoRampUp …………………………….
atLimpFlags …………………………….
atLineP …………………………….
atLinePDuty …………………………….
atLinePDutyMltAtot …………………………….
atLinePV …………………………….
atLockP …………………………….
atLockPDuty …………………………….
atLockPV …………………………….
atLowCtl …………………………….
atMode …………………………….
atot …………………………….
atotV …………………………….
atSelect …………………………….
atShiftCtl1Duty …………………………….
atShiftState …………………………….
atSpdIn …………………………….
atSpdInV …………………………….
atSpdOut …………………………….
atSpdOutV …………………………….
atTrfAdj …………………………….
atTrfRaw …………………………….
atTrfSlip …………………………….
atTpsPHD …………………………….
autoStartState …………………………….
bap Barometric absolute pressure
beaconPulseRaw …………………………….
beaconPulseVal …………………………….
bp01Duty_Spare …………………………….
bp02Duty_Spare …………………………….
bpd …………………………….
bpf …………………………….
bpfV …………………………….
bpr …………………………….
bprV …………………………….
brakeLight …………………………….
btAn …………………………….
btMax …………………………….
btPwr1 …………………………….
btPwr2 …………………………….
calChkH …………………………….
calChkL …………………………….
calDownSwitch …………………………….
calDownSwitchV …………………………….
calibrationState …………………………….
calOverrideActive …………………………….
calOverrideAvailTime …………………………….
calOverrideAvailUses …………………………….
calOverrideAvailUsesInt …………………………….
calOverrideCreditTime …………………………….
calOverrideCreditUses …………………………….
calOverrideDecision …………………………….
calOverrideEnableBeacons …………………………….
calOverrideIgnoreBeacons …………………………….
calOverrideMaxTimer …………………………….
calOverrideMinTimer …………………………….
calOverridePermitted …………………………….
calOverridePermittedTimer …………………………….
calOverrideSwitch …………………………….
calOverrideSwitchA …………………………….
calOverrideSwitchB …………………………….
calSelect Current selected calibration
calSwitch Calibration switch
calUpSwitch Calibration switch for next calibration
camRaw …………………………….
carCode0X …………………………….
ccp1 Crank case pressure
ccp1Trip Crank case pressure trip active
changeLightStage …………………………….
changeLightState …………………………….
CJ125HTR_R01 …………………………….
CJ125IA2_R03 …………………………….
CJ125IA_R02 …………………………….
CJ125UN1_R04 …………………………….
CJ125UN2_R05 …………………………….
CJ125Vbat_R08 …………………………….
CJ125VM1_R06 …………………………….
CJ125VM2_R07 …………………………….
cllCylOffDis1 …………………………….
cllCylOffDis2 …………………………….
cllEnable Closed loop lambda control enabled
cllError1 Difference between current lambda and target lambda
cllI1 Integrator value of closed loop lambda control
cllP1 Proportional duty value of closed loop lambda control
cllTarg1 Lambda target
cllTargAddAct1 Lambda target adder based on air charge temperature
cllTargAddCalSw Lambda target adder based on calibration switch
cllTargAddEct1 Lambda target adder based on engine coolant temperature
cllTargAddEgt1 Lambda target adder based on exhaust gas temperature
cllTargAddGear Lambda target adder based on current gear
clppA Clutch paddle position sensor A
clppB Clutch paddle position sensor B
clppMax Clutch paddle position sensor max between A and B
clpr Clutch pressure
clps Clutch position sensor
clpsDTF Clutch position sensor derivative fast
clPwm01DutyBase_tba …………………………….
clPwm01DutyFinal_tba …………………………….
clPwm01DutyI_tba …………………………….
clPwm01DutyP_tba …………………………….
Clutch1Pr_UXX Clutch 1 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit)
Clutch2Pr_UXX Clutch 2 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit)
clutchSwitch Clutch Switch
codeBranch …………………………….
codeRevision …………………………….
codeVersion …………………………….
cruiseActive …………………………….
cruiseDisableCause …………………………….
cruiseDisableRpmErr …………………………….
cruiseDnSwitch …………………………….
cruisePps …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjGain …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjMax …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjMin …………………………….
cruisePpsBase …………………………….
cruisePpsI …………………………….
cruisePpsP …………………………….
cruiseRpmBase …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseNudged …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseErr …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseTarg …………………………….
cruiseSwitch …………………………….
cruiseUpSwitch …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdErr …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdRpmTune …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdRpmTuneMax …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdTarg …………………………….
cycleCount …………………………….
cyl01Knock Raw knock value on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockFreeCycles …………………………….
cyl01KnockIgnRetard Ignition retard due to knock on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockPreIgnCnt Count of pre-ignition events on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockSatEvtCnt …………………………….
cyl01KnockThresh Knock threshold of cylinder 1
cylinderCount Number of cylinders
cylLearnEnable1 …………………………….
dbgStm …………………………….
dbw1Duty Drive by wire duty
dbw1DutyBase Base drive by wire duty
dbw1DutyI Drive by wire integral term
dbw1DutyPD Drive by wire PD term
dbw1Err Difference between drive by wire target and your throttle position
dbw1DutyLimitDip …………………………….
dbw1DutyLimitWgc …………………………….
dbw1Select …………………………….
dbw1Targ Drive by wire target
dbw1TargDT Drive by wire target derivative (rate of change)
dbwLimit …………………………….
dbwLimitAt …………………………….
dbwLimitCalSw …………………………….
dbwLimitGearLearn …………………………….
dbwLimitLaunch …………………………….
dbwLimitLimp …………………………….
dbwLimitPit …………………………….
dbwLimitRevLimit …………………………….
dbwMltCalSw …………………………….
dbwStatus …………………………….
dbwTargAls …………………………….
dbwTargBlip …………………………….
dbwTargIdle …………………………….
dbwTargLaunch …………………………….
dbwTargLimp …………………………….
dbwTargMltGearCut …………………………….
debugX …………………………….
dip1 Direct injection pressure
dip1A Direct injection pressure sensor A
dip1B Direct injection pressure sensor B
dip1Err Difference between your direct injection pressure target and current direct injection pressure
dip1Fault Flag designating the direct injection sensor faulty
dip1Select Flag showing if direct injection pressure A or B sensors are used
dpc …………………………….
dpcV …………………………….
dpcDuty …………………………….
dpcMode …………………………….
dpf …………………………….
dpfV …………………………….
dpr …………………………….
dprV …………………………….
drivenSpeed …………………………….
driveRatio …………………………….
driveRatioErr …………………………….
drLearnGearFlags …………………………….
drvSpdFault …………………………….
dsRpm …………………………….
dtc …………………………….
dtcV …………………………….
dtf …………………………….
dtfV …………………………….
dTjps …………………………….
dtr …………………………….
dtrV …………………………….
ecp …………………………….
ecpTripLow …………………………….
ecpV …………………………….
ect1 Engine coolant temperature sensor 1
ectMax Engine coolant temperature higher value of sensor 1 and 2
ectMin Engine coolant temperature lower value of sensor 1 and 2
ectOut …………………………….
ectOutV …………………………….
egrDuty1 …………………………….
egrDutyI …………………………….
egrDutyPD …………………………….
egrState …………………………….
egrTurboErr …………………………….
egt1 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1
eht Engine housing temperature sensor
enableSwitch …………………………….
enableSwitchA …………………………….
engineEnable …………………………….
engineStopTimer …………………………….
engTrq …………………………….
engTrqDmdPps …………………………….
engTrqEstDmdMargin …………………………….
engTrqEstFriction …………………………….
engTrqEstMbt …………………………….
engTrqEstMbtPreClamp …………………………….
engTrqEstMotor …………………………….
engTrqEstOutput …………………………….
engTrqEstOutputPot …………………………….
engTrqEstOutputTrans …………………………….
engTrqLim …………………………….
engTrqLimCutSev …………………………….
engTrqLimIgnRtd …………………………….
engTrqLimMlt …………………………….
engTrqLimMltMinIgnRtd …………………………….
engTrqLimMotor …………………………….
engTrqLimPpsLimit …………………………….
engTrqLimRL …………………………….
engTrqLimV …………………………….
engTrqV …………………………….
eop1 Engine oil pressure sensor 1
eop1DipCount Engine oil pressure count of times it dipped lower than trip pressure
eop1StartThresh …………………………….
eop1TripThresh Engine oil pressure trip threshold (minimum pressure)
eot Engine oil temperature
eotIn …………………………….
eotInV …………………………….
eotSq …………………………….
eotSqV …………………………….
eotV …………………………….
errorFlags …………………………….
errorFlagsH …………………………….
errorFlagsL …………………………….
fan1 …………………………….
fan1Switch …………………………….
fcyBoostActive …………………………….
fcyBoostSwitch …………………………….
fcyLightOn …………………………….
fcyLimitActive …………………………….
fcySwitch …………………………….
flDamper Front left damper position
flSpeed Front left wheel speed
flSpeedA Front left wheel speed sensor A
flSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
flSpeedB Front left wheel speed sensor B
flSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
flSpeedCond Front left wheel speed conditioned Explained under Sensors / Defined Sensors … / Vehicle Speeed / Lat G Based Conditioning
flSpeedFault Flag for left speed sensor faulty
flSpeedSelect Flag showing if A or B sensors are used for front left wheel speed
flvlA …………………………….
flvlAV …………………………….
flvlB …………………………….
flvlBV …………………………….
flxTrFuelBase …………………………….
flxTrFuelCrank …………………………….
flxTrFuelPrelim …………………………….
flxTrIgnBase …………………………….
flxTrIgnCrank …………………………….
flxTrIgnWgMapTarg …………………………….
fp1 …………………………….
fp1V …………………………….
fpMin …………………………….
fpoSwitch …………………………….
fpp …………………………….
fppV …………………………….
frDamper …………………………….
frDamperV …………………………….
frSpeed …………………………….
frSpeedA …………………………….
frSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
frSpeedAV …………………………….
frSpeedB …………………………….
frSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
frSpeedBV …………………………….
frSpeedCond …………………………….
frSpeedFault …………………………….
frSpeedSelect …………………………….
ft1 …………………………….
ft1V …………………………….
fuelAddDip1 …………………………….
fuelAddN2o …………………………….
fuelAddTfc1 …………………………….
fuelAddVbatPri1 …………………………….
fuelAddVbatSec1 …………………………….
fuelBase1 …………………………….
fuelBaseAddIdle …………………………….
fuelBaseSec1 …………………………….
fuelBaseSecBlend1 …………………………….
fuelComp …………………………….
fuelCompV …………………………….
fuelConsMass …………………………….
fuelConsMassLR …………………………….
fuelConsMassRate …………………………….
fuelConsMassRateOL …………………………….
fuelConsMassStint …………………………….
fuelConsMode …………………………….
fuelConsSwitch …………………………….
fuelConsVol …………………………….
fuelConsVolHR …………………………….
fuelConsVolLR …………………………….
fuelConsVolRate …………………………….
fuelDutyPri1 …………………………….
fuelDutySec1 …………………………….
fuelFinalPri1 …………………………….
fuelFinalPriCyl01 …………………………….
fuelFinalSec1 …………………………….
fuelFinalSecCyl01 …………………………….
fuelMltAct1 …………………………….
fuelMltAls …………………………….
fuelMltBap …………………………….
fuelMltCalSw …………………………….
fuelMltCll1 …………………………….
fuelMltCrank1 …………………………….
fuelMltDip1 …………………………….
fuelMltDipPresTemp1 …………………………….
fuelMltDipPresTempInv1 …………………………….
fuelMltEct1 …………………………….
fuelMltFt1 …………………………….
fuelMltGc …………………………….
fuelMltIdle …………………………….
fuelMltLoad1 …………………………….
fuelMltMap1 …………………………….
fuelMltOrfcEnd …………………………….
fuelMltPortPressTemp1 …………………………….
fuelMltRelFp1 …………………………….
fuelMltSafety …………………………….
fuelPreInj …………………………….
fuelPump1 …………………………….
fuelPump1Duty …………………………….
fuelPump1DutyI …………………………….
fuelPump1DutyP …………………………….
fuelPump1FppErr …………………………….
fuelPump1FppTarg …………………………….
fuelSplit1 …………………………….
fuelSplitForce …………………………….
fuelSplitSwitchV …………………………….
fuelStartAngle …………………………….
fuelStartAngleRtdPri …………………………….
fuelStartAngleRtdSec …………………………….
fuelSubDip1 …………………………….
gcSelect …………………………….
gcSelectSwitch …………………………….
gcSelectSwitchV …………………………….
gdp …………………………….
gdpV …………………………….
gear …………………………….
gearBlipInputV …………………………….
gearBlipInputVCorr …………………………….
gearBlipRequest …………………………….
gearBlipState …………………………….
gearCutClTime …………………………….
gearCutDogKickCount …………………………….
gearCutFailCount …………………………….
gearCutInputV …………………………….
gearCutInputVCorr …………………………….
gearCutRequest …………………………….
gearCutSecInjDis …………………………….
gearCutStart …………………………….
gearCutState …………………………….
gearCutTargV …………………………….
gearPreBlipState …………………………….
gearShiftDirection …………………………….
gearShiftStartV …………………………….
gearShiftState …………………………….
gearShiftTargV …………………………….
gearV …………………………….
gpsAccTemp …………………………….
gpsAltitude …………………………….
gpsCourse …………………………….
gpsFixQual …………………………….
gpsGuyroTemp …………………………….
gpsHrzDil …………………………….
gpsLat …………………………….
gpsLong …………………………….
gpsMode …………………………….
gpsNumSats …………………………….
gpsSpeed …………………………….
gpsSpeedFault …………………………….
gpsStatus …………………………….
gpsTimeDay …………………………….
gpsTimeHour …………………………….
gpsTimeMin …………………………….
gpsTimeMonth …………………………….
gpsTimeSec …………………………….
gpsTimeThou …………………………….
gpsTimeYear …………………………….
gsp …………………………….
gspV …………………………….
gup …………………………….
gupV …………………………….
handbrakeSwitch …………………………….
heatedScreenState …………………………….
highLoadTimer …………………………….
iClpwm01Err_ectMax …………………………….
iClpwm01Targ_ectMax …………………………….
idleActiveTime …………………………….
idleControlTime …………………………….
idleDutyAdd …………………………….
idleDutyAddAct …………………………….
idleDutyBase …………………………….
idleDutyI …………………………….
idleDutyMltRpm …………………………….
idleDutyP …………………………….
idleError …………………………….
idleIgnAddBase …………………………….
idleIgnAuth …………………………….
idleTargAdd …………………………….
idleTarget …………………………….
iep …………………………….
iepV …………………………….
IFP …………………………….
IFPV …………………………….
ignAdd …………………………….
ignAddAct1 …………………………….
ignAddBap …………………………….
ignAddCalSw …………………………….
ignAddCylAC …………………………….
ignAddEct1 …………………………….
ignAddEot …………………………….
ignAddGear …………………………….
ignAddIdle …………………………….
ignAddKnock …………………………….
ignAddKnockEnable …………………………….
ignAddLoad1 …………………………….
ignAddMap1 …………………………….
ignAddN2o …………………………….
ignAddRelFp1 …………………………….
ignAddSafety …………………………….
ignBase1 …………………………….
ignBaseSec1 …………………………….
ignCharge …………………………….
ignDuty …………………………….
ignFinalPri1 …………………………….
ignFinalPriCyl01 …………………………….
ignFinalSec1 …………………………….
ignFinalSecCyl01 …………………………….
ignFinalSecMean …………………………….
ignSafetyActive …………………………….
iip …………………………….
iipV …………………………….
ipp1 …………………………….
ipp1V …………………………….
ippMax …………………………….
iscStepPos …………………………….
iscStepTarg …………………………….
iscTarg …………………………….
iscTargAls …………………………….
iscTargBlip …………………………….
iscTargIdle …………………………….
knockControlActive …………………………….
knockDetectActive …………………………….
knockIgnRtdMax …………………………….
knockNoSignalActive …………………………….
knockPreIgnCntBC …………………………….
knockPreIgnFlag …………………………….
knockShutdownCylinder …………………………….
knockStatus …………………………….
knockWarnLight …………………………….
kt8_1 …………………………….
lam1 …………………………….
lam1V …………………………….
lamHtrV …………………………….
lapCount …………………………….
lapTime …………………………….
lapTimeDelta …………………………….
lapTimeDeltaH …………………………….
lapTimeH …………………………….
lapTimePred …………………………….
lapTimePredH …………………………….
lapTimeRef …………………………….
lastLapLength …………………………….
lastLapTime …………………………….
lastLapTimeH …………………………….
latG …………………………….
latGAbs …………………………….
latGNegState …………………………….
latGPosState …………………………….
latGV …………………………….
launchExitState …………………………….
launchExitTimer …………………………….
launchHoldTimer …………………………….
launchInStage …………………………….
launchMap …………………………….
launchMapAddCalSw …………………………….
launchMapErr …………………………….
launchRpm …………………………….
launchRpmAddCalSw …………………………….
launchRpmAddTps …………………………….
launchRpmBase …………………………….
launchRpmErr …………………………….
launchSecInjDis …………………………….
launchSelect …………………………….
launchSelectSwitch …………………………….
launchSelectSwitchV …………………………….
launchState …………………………….
launchSwitch …………………………….
leanTripThresh …………………………….
limpMode …………………………….
limpSwitch …………………………….
limpSwitchPpsDefault …………………………….
loadCell1 …………………………….
loadCell1V …………………………….
loadCellSum …………………………….
logDistance …………………………….
loggingActive …………………………….
loggingDisabledByPC …………………………….
loggingSwitch …………………………….
logMarkerSwitch …………………………….
logOnLoadKiloCycles …………………………….
logOnLoadTime …………………………….
logRunTime …………………………….
longG …………………………….
longGAbs …………………………….
longGV …………………………….
lowEopLight …………………………….
lowLoadState …………………………….
lowVbatLight …………………………….
LSUTemp …………………………….
LSUTempV …………………………….
m4AbsActive …………………………….
m4AbsLamp …………………………….
m4AbsMapSwPos …………………………….
m4BrakeLightSw …………………………….
m4EbdLamp …………………………….
magTrqMPUMeasured …………………………….
magTrqMPUMeasuredFlt …………………………….
magTrqVMPUMeasured …………………………….
map1 …………………………….
map1A …………………………….
map1AV …………………………….
map1DT …………………………….
map1Fault …………………………….
map1Select …………………………….
mapDTMax …………………………….
mapLimitBase …………………………….
mapMax …………………………….
masterState1 …………………………….
mlBarrelPos …………………………….
mlCurrent …………………………….
mlPwm …………………………….
mlTargetPos …………………………….
multiFan1 …………………………….
n2oAddVbat …………………………….
n2oBase …………………………….
n2oCal …………………………….
n2oFinal …………………………….
n2oHeat …………………………….
n2oMltBap …………………………….
n2oMltLaunch …………………………….
n2oMltSecLoad …………………………….
n2oMltVehSpd …………………………….
n2op …………………………….
n2opV …………………………….
n2oSwitch …………………………….
neutralLight …………………………….
onLoadTime …………………………….
onTime …………………………….
orfcRpm …………………………….
phasedStartOnly …………………………….
pitch …………………………….
pitchV …………………………….
pitDistance …………………………….
pitLimitActive …………………………….
pitRpmError …………………………….
pitSelect …………………………….
pitSelectSwitch …………………………….
pitSelectSwitchV …………………………….
pitSpeedError …………………………….
pitSpeedTarget …………………………….
pitSwitch …………………………….
ppsA …………………………….
ppsAPwmFreq …………………………….
ppsAV …………………………….
ppsDriver …………………………….
ppsExternal …………………………….
ppsExternalV …………………………….
ppsFault …………………………….
ppsFinal …………………………….
ppsLearnState …………………………….
ppsSelect …………………………….
preIgnShutdownCylinder …………………………….
prp1 …………………………….
prp1DT …………………………….
prp1V …………………………….
pulsedOilPumpInterval …………………………….
radarSpeed …………………………….
radarSpeedSpikeCount …………………………….
radarSpeedV …………………………….
rainLightOn …………………………….
rainLightSwitch …………………………….
rainLightSwitchV …………………………….
refLapClrSwitch …………………………….
relFp1 …………………………….
relFpMax …………………………….
relFpMin …………………………….
revCutActive …………………………….
revCutReduction …………………………….
revCutRpm …………………………….
reverseDetentSwitch …………………………….
reverseLight …………………………….
revLimitActive …………………………….
revLimitLimp …………………………….
revLimitReduction …………………………….
revLimitRpm …………………………….
revLimitRpmErr …………………………….
rlDamper …………………………….
rlDamperV …………………………….
rlSpeed …………………………….
rlSpeedA …………………………….
rlSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
rlSpeedAV …………………………….
rlSpeedB …………………………….
rlSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
rlSpeedBV …………………………….
rlSpeedCond …………………………….
rlSpeedFault …………………………….
rlSpeedSelect …………………………….
roll …………………………….
rollV …………………………….
rpm …………………………….
rpmAvg …………………………….
rpmDT …………………………….
rpmDTR …………………………….
rpmFromVS …………………………….
rpmPostDownshift …………………………….
rpmPostUpshift …………………………….
rrDamper …………………………….
rrDamperV …………………………….
rrSpeed …………………………….
rrSpeedA …………………………….
rrSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
rrSpeedAV …………………………….
rrSpeedB …………………………….
rrSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
rrSpeedBV …………………………….
rrSpeedCond …………………………….
rrSpeedFault …………………………….
rrSpeedSelect …………………………….
runMode …………………………….
runNumber …………………………….
runTime …………………………….
runTimeLR …………………………….
safetyMarginSwitch …………………………….
safetyMarginSwitchV …………………………….
sbv1 …………………………….
sbv1Base …………………………….
sbv1ClInt …………………………….
sbv1ClMapErr …………………………….
sbv1ClMapTarg …………………………….
sbv1ClPD …………………………….
sbv1DTF …………………………….
sbv1Duty …………………………….
sbv1DutyBase …………………………….
sbv1DutyI …………………………….
sbv1DutyPD …………………………….
sbv1Err …………………………….
sbv1Targ …………………………….
sbv1V …………………………….
sdip1Duty …………………………….
sdip1DutyBase …………………………….
sdip1DutyKI …………………………….
sdip1DutyP …………………………….
sdipHoldAngle …………………………….
sdipOpenTime …………………………….
sdipTarg …………………………….
sdipTargBase …………………………….
sdipTargMaxEct …………………………….
sdipTargRodLimit …………………………….
sdipTargRoiLimit …………………………….
selectSwitchesCombined …………………………….
sensorSwitch …………………………….
sensorWarningLevel …………………………….
sensorWarningLight …………………………….
spdCtrlRangeA …………………………….
spdCtrlRangeB …………………………….
starterEnable …………………………….
startedHeater …………………………….
swa …………………………….
swaAbs …………………………….
swaV …………………………….
syncFastPhaseEnabled …………………………….
syncFault …………………………….
syncFaultGapIdx …………………………….
syncFaultPhase …………………………….
syncOmitValidationRev …………………………….
syncState …………………………….
tachoV …………………………….
tbvDuty …………………………….
tbvDutyAls …………………………….
tbvDutyBlip …………………………….
tbvDutyIdle …………………………….
tbvDutyLimp …………………………….
tcDownSwitch …………………………….
tcDownSwitchV …………………………….
tcEnableSwitch …………………………….
tcGainTcSw …………………………….
tcSelect …………………………….
tcSpinAddLapDist …………………………….
tcSpinAddTcSw …………………………….
tcSpinAddTuneSw …………………………….
tcSpinErr …………………………….
tcSpinMltTcSw …………………………….
tcSpinTarg …………………………….
tcSpinTargRaw …………………………….
tcSwitch …………………………….
tcSwitchV …………………………….
tcTrq …………………………….
tcTrqDecayLinTcSw …………………………….
tcTrqDecayRecTcTw …………………………….
tcUpSwitch …………………………….
tcUpSwitchV …………………………….
tep …………………………….
tepV …………………………….
tet …………………………….
tetV …………………………….
tfcNegClamp …………………………….
tfcNegDecay …………………………….
tfcNegGain …………………………….
tfcPosClamp …………………………….
tfcPosDecay …………………………….
tfcPosGain …………………………….
tfcState …………………………….
tfcSum1 …………………………….
timeOnLoadRemaining …………………………….
tip …………………………….
tipV …………………………….
tit …………………………….
titV …………………………….
tjCtlDuty …………………………….
tjCtlDutyD …………………………….
tjCtlDutyP …………………………….
tjps …………………………….
tjpsErr …………………………….
tjpsTarg …………………………….
tjpsV …………………………….
tjTargAls …………………………….
tjTargBlip …………………………….
tjTargIdle …………………………….
tjTargLimp …………………………….
tps1 …………………………….
tps1A …………………………….
tps1AV …………………………….
tps1B …………………………….
tps1BV …………………………….
tps1DT …………………………….
tps1DTF …………………………….
tps1Fault …………………………….
tps1Select …………………………….
tpsClosed …………………………….
tpsDTMax …………………………….
tpsLow …………………………….
tpsMax …………………………….
trqEstMbtAdd …………………………….
trqFuelMlt …………………………….
trqFuelMltSrc …………………………….
trqFuelSev …………………………….
trqFuelSevSrc …………………………….
trqIgnMax …………………………….
trqIgnMaxSrc …………………………….
trqIgnRtd …………………………….
trqIgnRtdSrc …………………………….
trqIgnSev …………………………….
trqIgnSevSrc …………………………….
trRpm …………………………….
tuneDownSwitch …………………………….
tuneDownSwitchV …………………………….
tuneSwitch …………………………….
tuneSwitchV …………………………….
tuneUpSwitch …………………………….
tuneUpSwitchV …………………………….
turbo1Fault …………………………….
turbo1Select …………………………….
turboFault …………………………….
turboMaxSelect …………………………….
turboSpeed1 …………………………….
turboSpeed1A …………………………….
turboSpeed1ASpikeCount …………………………….
turboSpeed1AV …………………………….
turboSpeed1B …………………………….
turboSpeed1BSpikeCount …………………………….
turboSpeed1BV …………………………….
turboSpeed1DeSpiked …………………………….
turboSpeed1DT …………………………….
turboSpeedDeSpikedMax …………………………….
turboSpeedLimitBase …………………………….
tyreTypeTcSw …………………………….
varFreq …………………………….
vbat …………………………….
vbatRaw …………………………….
vehicleSpeed …………………………….
vehicleSpeedAvg …………………………….
vehSpdFault …………………………….
vehStopTime …………………………….
vertG …………………………….
vertGV …………………………….
viDuty …………………………….
vinTx …………………………….
viOpenTps …………………………….
vvt1Ex …………………………….
vvt1ExDuty …………………………….
vvt1ExErr …………………………….
vvt1ExI …………………………….
vvt1ExP …………………………….
vvt1ExRaw …………………………….
vvt1In …………………………….
vvt1InDuty …………………………….
vvt1InErr …………………………….
vvt1InI …………………………….
vvt1InP …………………………….
vvt1InRaw …………………………….
vvtExBase …………………………….
vvtExTarg …………………………….
vvtInBase …………………………….
vvtInTarg …………………………….
vvtState …………………………….
waterInjection …………………………….
wg3ErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3MapErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3PrpErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboLimit1 …………………………….
wg3TurboMltAat …………………………….
wg3TurboMltAct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboMltBap …………………………….
wgAddVbat …………………………….
wgAntiphaseDuty1 …………………………….
wgBaseDuty1 …………………………….
wgDutyAddLearn1 …………………………….
wgcDbwInt1 …………………………….
wgcDbwMapErr1 …………………………….
wgcDbwPD1 …………………………….
wgcMapLimitAddLaunch …………………………….
wgcp1 …………………………….
wgcp1V …………………………….
wgcStrategyActive …………………………….
wgDutyAdd …………………………….
wgDutyAddBap …………………………….
wgDutyAddTps1 …………………………….
wgFinalDuty1 …………………………….
wgIgnRtd1 …………………………….
wgIntDuty1 …………………………….
wgMapAddCalSw …………………………….
wgMapErr1 …………………………….
wgMapLimit1 …………………………….
wgMapMax1 …………………………….
wgMapMin …………………………….
wgMapStableTimer1 …………………………….
wgMapTarg1 …………………………….
wgMapTargMax …………………………….
wgp1 …………………………….
wgp1DT …………………………….
wgp1Raw …………………………….
wgp1V …………………………….
wgPDSelect1 …………………………….
wgPhaseDuty1 …………………………….
wgpMax …………………………….
wgPrpAddCalSw …………………………….
wgPrpErr1 …………………………….
wgPrpLimit …………………………….
wgTpsProg1 …………………………….
wgTurboErr1 …………………………….
wheelSpin …………………………….
wheelSpinFlt …………………………….
wow …………………………….
wowV …………………………….
wsPitLimitFinal …………………………….
wsPitLimitInt …………………………….
wsPitLimitProp …………………………….
yaw …………………………….
yawABs …………………………….
yawV …………………………….
  • basics/abbreviations.1592778539.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/06/22 00:28
  • by nmerdan