
This is an old revision of the document!

The table below may be incomplete, but it should list out all the abbreviations found within the Syvecs Suite. Please add a short description in the “Description” column and any longer details, links to other wiki articles or external resources in the “Details” column. Please keep the list alphabetically sorted.

The number in the output, like act1 and act2, only differentiates two sensors that have different inputs assigned under Pin Assignments. The V suffix on any sensor represents raw voltage as seen on that input (ex. act1V is the voltage on the input assigned to act1).

Abbrevation Meaning Details
aat Ambient air temperature
act1 Air charge temperature 1
act1Fault Flag representing if act1 is faulty
act1Select Flag representing if act1A or act1B is used for act1
actAvg Air charge temperature average between act1 and act2
actionCodeActive …………………………….
actionCodeClrAck …………………………….
actionCodeSetAck …………………………….
actMax Air charge temperature higher of act1 and act2
actMin Air charge temperature lower of act1 and act2
adip1Duty …………………………….
adip2Duty …………………………….
airConCtl …………………………….
airConSwitch Flag representing if the air condition switch is active
alsCal …………………………….
alsDrvAddWheelSpin …………………………….
alsEnableSwitch …………………………….
alsPlenumDamping …………………………….
alsRecovery …………………………….
alsSelect Anti-lag calibration chosen
alsSelectSwitch The ALS switch (if assigned) position
alsState Antilag system state
alternatorState …………………………….
an01V Raw voltage analogue input 01
an0XV Raw voltage analogue input X1
astAvg …………………………….
astPeak …………………………….
astPeakIdx …………………………….
atAccmP …………………………….
atAccmPDuty …………………………….
atAccmPV …………………………….
atAutoRampDown …………………………….
atAutoRampUp …………………………….
atLimpFlags …………………………….
atLineP …………………………….
atLinePDuty …………………………….
atLinePDutyMltAtot …………………………….
atLinePV …………………………….
atLockP …………………………….
atLockPDuty …………………………….
atLockPV …………………………….
atLowCtl …………………………….
atMode …………………………….
atot Automatic transmision oil temperature
atotV Automatic transmision oil temperature voltage
atSelect …………………………….
atShiftCtl1Duty …………………………….
atShiftState …………………………….
atSpdIn …………………………….
atSpdInV …………………………….
atSpdOut …………………………….
atSpdOutV …………………………….
atTrfAdj …………………………….
atTrfRaw …………………………….
atTrfSlip …………………………….
atTpsPHD …………………………….
autoStartState Auto engine start status
bap Barometric absolute pressure
beaconPulseRaw …………………………….
beaconPulseVal …………………………….
bp01Duty_Spare …………………………….
bp02Duty_Spare …………………………….
bpd Selectable sum or max of compensated bpf and bpr
bpf brake pressure front
bpfV brake pressure front sensor voltage
bpr brake pressure rear
bprV brake pressure rear sensor voltage
brakeLight brake light output status
btAn …………………………….
btMax Device internal temperature
btPwr1 …………………………….
btPwr2 …………………………….
calChkH …………………………….
calChkL …………………………….
calDownSwitch Calibration down switch state
calDownSwitchV Calibration down switch raw voltage
calibrationState …………………………….
calOverrideActive Calibration override active or not
calOverrideAvailTime …………………………….
calOverrideAvailUses …………………………….
calOverrideAvailUsesInt …………………………….
calOverrideCreditTime …………………………….
calOverrideCreditUses …………………………….
calOverrideDecision …………………………….
calOverrideEnableBeacons …………………………….
calOverrideIgnoreBeacons …………………………….
calOverrideMaxTimer …………………………….
calOverrideMinTimer …………………………….
calOverridePermitted …………………………….
calOverridePermittedTimer …………………………….
calOverrideSwitch State of the calibration override switch
calOverrideSwitchA …………………………….
calOverrideSwitchB …………………………….
calSelect Current selected calibration
calSwitch Calibration switch
calUpSwitch Calibration switch for next calibration
camRaw raw value of teeth on cam shaft
carCode0X …………………………….
ccp1 Crank case pressure
ccp1Trip Crank case pressure trip active
changeLightStage …………………………….
changeLightState …………………………….
CJ125HTR_R01 …………………………….
CJ125IA2_R03 …………………………….
CJ125IA_R02 …………………………….
CJ125UN1_R04 …………………………….
CJ125UN2_R05 …………………………….
CJ125Vbat_R08 …………………………….
CJ125VM1_R06 …………………………….
CJ125VM2_R07 …………………………….
cllCylOffDis1 …………………………….
cllCylOffDis2 …………………………….
cllEnable Closed loop lambda control enabled
cllError1 Difference between current lambda and target lambda
cllI1 Integrator value of closed loop lambda control
cllP1 Proportional duty value of closed loop lambda control
cllTarg1 Lambda target
cllTargAddAct1 Lambda target adder based on air charge temperature
cllTargAddCalSw Lambda target adder based on calibration switch
cllTargAddEct1 Lambda target adder based on engine coolant temperature
cllTargAddEgt1 Lambda target adder based on exhaust gas temperature
cllTargAddGear Lambda target adder based on current gear
clppA Clutch paddle position sensor A
clppB Clutch paddle position sensor B
clppMax Clutch paddle position sensor max between A and B
clpr Clutch pressure
clps Clutch position sensor
clpsDTF Clutch position sensor derivative fast
clPwm01DutyBase_tba closed loop PWM01 base duty cycle - user defined
clPwm01DutyFinal_tba closed loop PWM01 final duty cycle - user defined
clPwm01DutyI_tba closed loop PWM01 integral - user defined
clPwm01DutyP_tba closed loop PWM01 proportional - user defined
Clutch1Pr_UXX Clutch 1 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit)
Clutch2Pr_UXX Clutch 2 pressure in DCT gearboxes (PNP kit)
clutchSwitch Clutch Switch
codeBranch …………………………….
codeRevision …………………………….
codeVersion …………………………….
cruiseActive cruise control active state
cruiseDisableCause cruise control disable cause
cruiseDisableRpmErr …………………………….
cruiseDnSwitch …………………………….
cruisePps …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjGain …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjMax …………………………….
cruisePpsAdjMin …………………………….
cruisePpsBase …………………………….
cruisePpsI …………………………….
cruisePpsP …………………………….
cruiseRpmBase …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseNudged …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseErr …………………………….
cruiseRpmBaseTarg …………………………….
cruiseSwitch …………………………….
cruiseUpSwitch …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdErr …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdRpmTune …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdRpmTuneMax …………………………….
cruiseVehSpdTarg …………………………….
cycleCount …………………………….
cyl01Knock Raw knock value on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockFreeCycles Count of cycles during which no knock event occurred
cyl01KnockIgnRetard Ignition retard due to knock on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockPreIgnCnt Count of pre-ignition events on cylinder 1
cyl01KnockSatEvtCnt Count of knock sensor saturation events
cyl01KnockThresh Knock threshold of cylinder 1
cylinderCount Number of cylinders
cylLearnEnable1 …………………………….
dbgStm …………………………….
dbw1Duty Drive by wire duty
dbw1DutyBase Base drive by wire duty
dbw1DutyI Drive by wire integral term
dbw1DutyPD Drive by wire PD term
dbw1Err Difference between drive by wire target and your throttle position
dbw1DutyLimitDip Drive by wire duty limit based on the Direct Injection Pressure
dbw1DutyLimitWgc …………………………….
dbw1Select DBW Calibration map selected
dbw1Targ Drive by wire target
dbw1TargDT Drive by wire target derivative (rate of change)
dbwLimit Maximum allowed DBW opening
dbwLimitAt …………………………….
dbwLimitCalSw Maximum allowed DBW opening based on Cal Switch
dbwLimitGearLearn …………………………….
dbwLimitLaunch Maximum allowed DBW opening while Launch Control is active
dbwLimitLimp Drive by wire limit in limp mode
dbwLimitPit Drive by wire limit when pit lane speed limiter is active
dbwLimitRevLimit …………………………….
dbwMltCalSw Drive by wire multiplier by calibration switch
dbwStatus Drive by wire system status
dbwTargAls Drive by wire target when antilag is active
dbwTargBlip Drive by wire target during a blip event (ie. downshift)
dbwTargIdle Drive by wire target when idle control is active
dbwTargLaunch Drive by wire target when launch control is active
dbwTargLimp Drive by wire target when in limp mode
dbwTargMltGearCut …………………………….
debugX …………………………….
dip1 Direct injection pressure
dip1A Direct injection pressure sensor A
dip1B Direct injection pressure sensor B
dip1Err Difference between your direct injection pressure target and current direct injection pressure
dip1Fault Flag designating the direct injection sensor faulty
dip1Select Flag showing if direct injection pressure A or B sensors are used
dpc …………………………….
dpcV …………………………….
dpcDuty …………………………….
dpcMode …………………………….
dpf …………………………….
dpfV …………………………….
dpr …………………………….
dprV …………………………….
drivenSpeed the driven wheel speed of vehicle - could be higher than vehicle speed due to wheel spin
driveRatio overall gearing ratio of speed vs rpm for gear selected at current time
driveRatioErr …………………………….
drLearnGearFlags …………………………….
drvSpdFault …………………………….
dsRpm …………………………….
dtc …………………………….
dtcV …………………………….
dtf …………………………….
dtfV …………………………….
dTjps …………………………….
dtr …………………………….
dtrV …………………………….
ecp Engine coolant pressure
ecpTripLow Engine coolant pressure low pressure limp mode active
ecpV Engine coolant pressure raw voltage
ect1 Engine coolant temperature sensor 1
ectMax Engine coolant temperature higher value of sensor 1 and 2
ectMin Engine coolant temperature lower value of sensor 1 and 2
ectOut Engine coolant temperature out
ectOutV Engine coolant temperature out raw voltage
egrDuty1 …………………………….
egrDutyI …………………………….
egrDutyPD …………………………….
egrState …………………………….
egrTurboErr …………………………….
egt1 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1
eht Engine housing temperature sensor
enableSwitch Engine run switch in off position, ignition and injection outputs are disabled.
enableSwitchA …………………………….
engineEnable Engine/ECU running state
engineStopTimer …………………………….
engTrq Engine torque
engTrqDmdPps Engine torque demand based on pedal position
engTrqEstDmdMargin …………………………….
engTrqEstFriction Engine torque estimated friction
engTrqEstMbt Estimated current engine torque before friction losses
engTrqEstMbtPreClamp Same as above, but without the clamp set in the clamp table
engTrqEstMotor …………………………….
engTrqEstOutput Engine torque output sent to the transmission
engTrqEstOutputPot Potential engine torque output sent to the transmission This is the torque that's available if we'd disregard the torque interventions
engTrqEstOutputTrans Engine torque output sent to the transmission during transient events
engTrqLim Request from the transmission on what to drop torque to Happens during shifts and if we send more torque to the trans than it's willing to support
engTrqLimCutSev Cut severity active to lower torque based on engTrqLim
engTrqLimIgnRtd Ignition retard active to lower torque based on engTrqLim
engTrqLimMlt Multiplier between current engine torque and engTrqLim Used to decide on how much to retard ignition and when to introduce cuts
engTrqLimMltMinIgnRtd Below this value Syvecs will start using cuts in addition to retatrs
engTrqLimMotor …………………………….
engTrqLimPpsLimit engTrqLim based on the pedal position
engTrqLimRL …………………………….
engTrqLimV …………………………….
engTrqV …………………………….
eop1 Engine oil pressure sensor 1
eop1DipCount Engine oil pressure count of times it dipped lower than trip pressure
eop1StartThresh EOP to be reached before engine is allowed to start
eop1TripThresh Engine oil pressure trip threshold (minimum pressure)
eot Engine oil temperature
eotIn Engine oil temperature in
eotInV Engine oil temperature in sensor voltage
eotSq …………………………….
eotSqV …………………………….
eotV Engine oil temperature sensor voltage
errorFlags …………………………….
errorFlagsH …………………………….
errorFlagsL …………………………….
fan1 Fan 1 output status
fan1Switch …………………………….
fcyBoostActive …………………………….
fcyBoostSwitch …………………………….
fcyLightOn Full course yellow light status
fcyLimitActive Full course yellow limiter active
fcySwitch Full course yellow switch position
flDamper Front left damper position
flSpeed Front left wheel speed
flSpeedA Front left wheel speed sensor A
flSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
flSpeedB Front left wheel speed sensor B
flSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
flSpeedCond Front left wheel speed conditioned Explained under Sensors / Defined Sensors … / Vehicle Speeed / Lat G Based Conditioning
flSpeedFault Flag for left speed sensor faulty
flSpeedSelect Flag showing if A or B sensors are used for front left wheel speed
flvlX Fuel level
flxTrFuelBase …………………………….
flxTrFuelCrank …………………………….
flxTrFuelPrelim …………………………….
flxTrIgnBase …………………………….
flxTrIgnCrank …………………………….
flxTrIgnWgMapTarg …………………………….
fp1 Fuel Pressure
fp1V Fuel Pressure raw voltage
fpMin …………………………….
fpoSwitch …………………………….
fpp …………………………….
fppV …………………………….
frDamper Front right damper position
frDamperV Front right damper position sensor voltage
frSpeed Front Right wheel speed
frSpeedA …………………………….
frSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
frSpeedAV …………………………….
frSpeedB …………………………….
frSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
frSpeedBV …………………………….
frSpeedCond …………………………….
frSpeedFault …………………………….
frSpeedSelect …………………………….
ft1 Fuel Temperature
ft1V Fuel Temperature raw voltage
fuelAddDip1 …………………………….
fuelAddN2o …………………………….
fuelAddTfc1 …………………………….
fuelAddVbatPri1 …………………………….
fuelAddVbatSec1 …………………………….
fuelBase1 Base pulse width value in current Fuel tale being used.
fuelBaseAddIdle …………………………….
fuelBaseSec1 …………………………….
fuelBaseSecBlend1 …………………………….
fuelComp Flex fuel ethanol content
fuelConsMass …………………………….
fuelConsMassLR …………………………….
fuelConsMassRate …………………………….
fuelConsMassRateOL …………………………….
fuelConsMassStint …………………………….
fuelConsMode …………………………….
fuelConsSwitch …………………………….
fuelConsVol …………………………….
fuelConsVolHR …………………………….
fuelConsVolLR …………………………….
fuelConsVolRate …………………………….
fuelDutyPri1 Injector duty cycle for primary injectors
fuelDutySec1 Injector duty cycle for secondary injectors
fuelFinalPri1 Pulse width applied to primary injectors after all corrections have been applied
fuelFinalPriCyl01 Same as above, just for 1st cylinder
fuelFinalSec1 Pulse width applied to secondary injectors after all corrections have been applied
fuelFinalSecCyl01 Same as above, just for 1st cylinder
fuelMltAct1 Air Charge temp compensation fuel multiplier
fuelMltAls Fuel multiplier - anti lag
fuelMltBap Fuel multiplier - barometric pressure
fuelMltCalSw Fuel multiplier - calibration switch
fuelMltCll1 Fuel multiplier - closed loop lambda 1
fuelMltCrank1 Fuel multiplier - cranking
fuelMltDip1 Fuel multiplier - direct injection pressure
fuelMltDipPresTemp1 …………………………….
fuelMltDipPresTempInv1 …………………………….
fuelMltEct1 Fuel multiplier - engine coolant temperature
fuelMltFt1 Fuel multiplier - fuel temperature
fuelMltGc …………………………….
fuelMltIdle Fuel multiplier -idle control
fuelMltLoad1 …………………………….
fuelMltMap1 Fuel multiplier - manifold air pressure
fuelMltOrfcEnd …………………………….
fuelMltPortPressTemp1 …………………………….
fuelMltRelFp1 Fuel multiplier based on relative fuel pressure
fuelMltSafety …………………………….
fuelPreInj …………………………….
fuelPump1 Fuel pump 1 state
fuelPump1Duty Fuel pump 1 duty cycle
fuelPump1DutyI Fuel pump 1 integral
fuelPump1DutyP Fuel pump 1 proportional
fuelPump1FppErr Fuel pump 1 error between actual and target
fuelPump1FppTarg Fuel pump 1 pressure target
fuelSplit1 ratio for primary/secondary injectors in use.
fuelSplitForce …………………………….
fuelSplitSwitchV …………………………….
fuelStartAngle …………………………….
fuelStartAngleRtdPri …………………………….
fuelStartAngleRtdSec …………………………….
fuelSubDip1 …………………………….
gcSelect …………………………….
gcSelectSwitch …………………………….
gcSelectSwitchV …………………………….
gdp …………………………….
gdpV …………………………….
gear Gear position
gearBlipInputV …………………………….
gearBlipInputVCorr …………………………….
gearBlipRequest …………………………….
gearBlipState Gear shift blip status
gearCutClTime …………………………….
gearCutDogKickCount …………………………….
gearCutFailCount …………………………….
gearCutInputV …………………………….
gearCutInputVCorr …………………………….
gearCutRequest …………………………….
gearCutSecInjDis …………………………….
gearCutStart …………………………….
gearCutState …………………………….
gearCutTargV …………………………….
gearPreBlipState …………………………….
gearShiftDirection …………………………….
gearShiftStartV …………………………….
gearShiftState …………………………….
gearShiftTargV …………………………….
gearV Gear sensor voltage
gpsAccTemp …………………………….
gpsAltitude …………………………….
gpsCourse …………………………….
gpsFixQual …………………………….
gpsGuyroTemp …………………………….
gpsHrzDil …………………………….
gpsLat …………………………….
gpsLong …………………………….
gpsMode …………………………….
gpsNumSats …………………………….
gpsSpeed …………………………….
gpsSpeedFault …………………………….
gpsStatus …………………………….
gpsTimeDay …………………………….
gpsTimeHour …………………………….
gpsTimeMin …………………………….
gpsTimeMonth …………………………….
gpsTimeSec …………………………….
gpsTimeThou …………………………….
gpsTimeYear …………………………….
gsp …………………………….
gspV …………………………….
gup …………………………….
gupV …………………………….
handbrakeSwitch …………………………….
heatedScreenState …………………………….
highLoadTimer …………………………….
iClpwm01Err_ectMax …………………………….
iClpwm01Targ_ectMax …………………………….
idleActiveTime …………………………….
idleControlTime …………………………….
idleDutyAdd Idle speed duty adder
idleDutyAddAct …………………………….
idleDutyBase Idle control base duty cycle
idleDutyI Idle control integral
idleDutyMltRpm …………………………….
idleDutyP Idle speed proportional
idleError Difference between actual engine speed and the idle speed target
idleIgnAddBase Idle speed additional ignition to base
idleIgnAuth …………………………….
idleTargAdd Idle speed target adder
idleTarget Idle speed target
iep …………………………….
iepV …………………………….
IFP …………………………….
IFPV …………………………….
ignAdd Ignition adder
ignAddAct1 Ignition adder - air charge temperature
ignAddBap Ignition adder - barometric pressure
ignAddCalSw Ignition adder - calibration switch
ignAddCylAC …………………………….
ignAddEct1 Ignition adder - engine coolant temperature
ignAddEot Ignition adder - engine oil temperature
ignAddGear Ignition adder - gear position
ignAddIdle Ignition adder - idle control
ignAddKnock Ignition adder - knock
ignAddKnockEnable …………………………….
ignAddLoad1 …………………………….
ignAddMap1 …………………………….
ignAddN2o …………………………….
ignAddRelFp1 …………………………….
ignAddSafety …………………………….
ignBase1 …………………………….
ignBaseSec1 …………………………….
ignCharge Coil charge time
ignDuty Coil charge duty cycle
ignFinalPri1 …………………………….
ignFinalPriCyl01 …………………………….
ignFinalSec1 …………………………….
ignFinalSecCyl01 …………………………….
ignFinalSecMean …………………………….
ignSafetyActive …………………………….
iip …………………………….
iipV …………………………….
ipp1 …………………………….
ipp1V …………………………….
ippMax …………………………….
iscStepPos …………………………….
iscStepTarg …………………………….
iscTarg ………………………………..
iscTargAls …………………………….
iscTargBlip …………………………….
iscTargIdle …………………………….
knockControlActive …………………………….
knockDetectActive …………………………….
knockIgnRtdMax …………………………….
knockNoSignalActive …………………………….
knockPreIgnCntBC …………………………….
knockPreIgnFlag …………………………….
knockShutdownCylinder …………………………….
knockStatus …………………………….
knockWarnLight …………………………….
kt8_1 EGT input no 1 from the KT8 CAN device.
lam1 Lambda sensor 1 reading
lam1V Lambda sensor 1 voltage
lamHtrV Lambda heater voltage
lapCount Lam number
lapTime Lap time
lapTimeDelta …………………………….
lapTimeDeltaH …………………………….
lapTimeH …………………………….
lapTimePred Predicted lap time
lapTimePredH …………………………….
lapTimeRef …………………………….
lastLapLength …………………………….
lastLapTime …………………………….
lastLapTimeH …………………………….
latG Lateral acceleration
latGAbs Absolute value of lateral G sensor absolute value can be used in traction control settings
latGNegState …………………………….
latGPosState …………………………….
latGV Lateral acceleration sensor voltage
launchExitState …………………………….
launchExitTimer …………………………….
launchHoldTimer …………………………….
launchInStage …………………………….
launchMap …………………………….
launchMapAddCalSw …………………………….
launchMapErr …………………………….
launchRpm …………………………….
launchRpmAddCalSw …………………………….
launchRpmAddTps …………………………….
launchRpmBase …………………………….
launchRpmErr …………………………….
launchSecInjDis …………………………….
launchSelect …………………………….
launchSelectSwitch …………………………….
launchSelectSwitchV …………………………….
launchState …………………………….
launchSwitch …………………………….
leanTripThresh Threshold to trigger limp mode because of lean condition
limpMode Limp mode status
limpSwitch …………………………….
limpSwitchPpsDefault …………………………….
loadCell1 …………………………….
loadCell1V …………………………….
loadCellSum …………………………….
logDistance …………………………….
loggingActive Logging system status
loggingDisabledByPC …………………………….
loggingSwitch Logging system enable switch status
logMarkerSwitch …………………………….
logOnLoadKiloCycles …………………………….
logOnLoadTime …………………………….
logRunTime …………………………….
longG Longitudinal G force (positive for acceleration, negative for breaking)
longGAbs Longitudinal G force absolute value
lowEopLight Low engine oil pressure light
lowLoadState …………………………….
lowVbatLight Low battery voltage light
LSUTemp Bosch LSU oxygen sensor temperature
m4AbsActive Bosch Motorsport ABS active
m4AbsLamp Bosch Motorsport ABS warning lamp status
m4AbsMapSwPos Bosch Motorsport ABS map select switch position
m4BrakeLightSw Bosch Motorsport ABS brake light switch status
m4EbdLamp …………………………….
magTrqMPUMeasured …………………………….
magTrqMPUMeasuredFlt …………………………….
magTrqVMPUMeasured …………………………….
map1 Manifold air pressure
map1A …………………………….
map1AV …………………………….
map1DT Rate of change of manifold air pressure (derivative)
map1Fault …………………………….
map1Select …………………………….
mapDTMax …………………………….
mapLimitBase …………………………….
mapMax …………………………….
masterState1 …………………………….
mlBarrelPos …………………………….
mlCurrent …………………………….
mlPwm …………………………….
mlTargetPos …………………………….
multiFan1 …………………………….
n2oAddVbat …………………………….
n2oBase …………………………….
n2oCal …………………………….
n2oFinal …………………………….
n2oHeat …………………………….
n2oMltBap …………………………….
n2oMltLaunch …………………………….
n2oMltSecLoad …………………………….
n2oMltVehSpd …………………………….
n2op …………………………….
n2opV …………………………….
n2oSwitch …………………………….
neutralLight …………………………….
onLoadTime …………………………….
onTime …………………………….
orfcRpm …………………………….
phasedStartOnly …………………………….
pitch …………………………….
pitchV …………………………….
pitDistance …………………………….
pitLimitActive Pit lane speed limit state
pitRpmError …………………………….
pitSelect …………………………….
pitSelectSwitch …………………………….
pitSelectSwitchV …………………………….
pitSpeedError Different between vehicle speed and pit lane target speed
pitSpeedTarget Target pit lane speed
pitSwitch Pit lane speed limit switch status
ppsA Pedal position sensor A
ppsAPwmFreq …………………………….
ppsAV Pedal position sensor A voltage
ppsDriver …………………………….
ppsExternal Pedal position external when an external “pedal” sensor is used for setup. Commonly temporarily connects to engine bay wiring loom
ppsExternalV Pedal position external sensor voltage
ppsFault Pedal position fault state
ppsFinal …………………………….
ppsLearnState …………………………….
ppsSelect …………………………….
preIgnShutdownCylinder …………………………….
prp1 …………………………….
prp1DT …………………………….
prp1V …………………………….
pulsedOilPumpInterval …………………………….
radarSpeed …………………………….
radarSpeedSpikeCount …………………………….
radarSpeedV …………………………….
rainLightOn …………………………….
rainLightSwitch …………………………….
rainLightSwitchV …………………………….
refLapClrSwitch …………………………….
relFp1 Relative fuel pressure, MAP/FP1
relFpMax …………………………….
relFpMin …………………………….
revCutActive …………………………….
revCutReduction …………………………….
revCutRpm …………………………….
reverseDetentSwitch …………………………….
reverseLight …………………………….
revLimitActive …………………………….
revLimitLimp …………………………….
revLimitReduction …………………………….
revLimitRpm …………………………….
revLimitRpmErr …………………………….
rlDamper …………………………….
rlDamperV …………………………….
rlSpeed Rear Left Speed
rlSpeedA …………………………….
rlSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
rlSpeedAV …………………………….
rlSpeedB …………………………….
rlSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
rlSpeedBV …………………………….
rlSpeedCond …………………………….
rlSpeedFault …………………………….
rlSpeedSelect …………………………….
roll Roll
rollV Roll sensor voltage
rpm Engine speed
rpmAvg …………………………….
rpmDT …………………………….
rpmDTR …………………………….
rpmFromVS …………………………….
rpmPostDownshift …………………………….
rpmPostUpshift …………………………….
rrDamper …………………………….
rrDamperV …………………………….
rrSpeed Rear Right Speed.
rrSpeedA …………………………….
rrSpeedASpikeCount …………………………….
rrSpeedAV …………………………….
rrSpeedB …………………………….
rrSpeedBSpikeCount …………………………….
rrSpeedBV …………………………….
rrSpeedCond …………………………….
rrSpeedFault …………………………….
rrSpeedSelect …………………………….
runMode …………………………….
runNumber …………………………….
runTime …………………………….
runTimeLR …………………………….
safetyMarginSwitch …………………………….
safetyMarginSwitchV …………………………….
sbv1 …………………………….
sbv1Base …………………………….
sbv1ClInt …………………………….
sbv1ClMapErr …………………………….
sbv1ClMapTarg …………………………….
sbv1ClPD …………………………….
sbv1DTF …………………………….
sbv1Duty …………………………….
sbv1DutyBase …………………………….
sbv1DutyI …………………………….
sbv1DutyPD …………………………….
sbv1Err …………………………….
sbv1Targ …………………………….
sbv1V …………………………….
sdip1Duty Direct injection pressure solenoid duty
sdip1DutyBase Base duty for the direct injection pressure solenoid
sdip1DutyKI …………………………….
sdip1DutyP Closed loop P term of the DIP solenoid duty
sdipHoldAngle …………………………….
sdipOpenTime …………………………….
sdipTarg Direct injection pressure target
sdipTargBase Base direct injection pressure target (before corrections)
sdipTargMaxEct …………………………….
sdipTargRodLimit …………………………….
sdipTargRoiLimit …………………………….
selectSwitchesCombined …………………………….
sensorSwitch …………………………….
sensorWarningLevel …………………………….
sensorWarningLight …………………………….
spdCtrlRangeA …………………………….
spdCtrlRangeB …………………………….
starterEnable …………………………….
startedHeater …………………………….
swa …………………………….
swaAbs …………………………….
swaV …………………………….
syncFastPhaseEnabled …………………………….
syncFault Synchronisation fault
syncFaultGapIdx …………………………….
syncFaultPhase …………………………….
syncOmitValidationRev …………………………….
syncState Engine synchronisation state, 360 or 720
tachoV …………………………….
tbvDuty Throttle bypass valve duty cycle
tbvDutyAls Throttle bypass valve duty cycle when antilag is active
tbvDutyBlip Throttle bypass valve duty cycle during a throttle blip event
tbvDutyIdle Throttle bypass valve duty cycle while idle control is active
tbvDutyLimp Throttle bypass valve duty cycle when limp mode is active
tcDownSwitch …………………………….
tcDownSwitchV …………………………….
tcEnableSwitch Traction control enable switch status
tcGainTcSw Traction control gain switch position
tcSelect Traction control select
tcSpinAddLapDist …………………………….
tcSpinAddTcSw …………………………….
tcSpinAddTuneSw …………………………….
tcSpinErr …………………………….
tcSpinMltTcSw …………………………….
tcSpinTarg …………………………….
tcSpinTargRaw …………………………….
tcSwitch …………………………….
tcSwitchV …………………………….
tcTrq …………………………….
tcTrqDecayLinTcSw …………………………….
tcTrqDecayRecTcTw …………………………….
tcUpSwitch …………………………….
tcUpSwitchV …………………………….
tep …………………………….
tepV …………………………….
tet …………………………….
tetV …………………………….
tfcNegClamp …………………………….
tfcNegDecay …………………………….
tfcNegGain …………………………….
tfcPosClamp …………………………….
tfcPosDecay …………………………….
tfcPosGain …………………………….
tfcState …………………………….
tfcSum1 …………………………….
timeOnLoadRemaining …………………………….
tip Turbine Inlet Pressure
tipV …………………………….
tit Turbine Inlet Temperature
titV …………………………….
tjCtlDuty …………………………….
tjCtlDutyD …………………………….
tjCtlDutyP …………………………….
tjps …………………………….
tjpsErr …………………………….
tjpsTarg …………………………….
tjpsV …………………………….
tjTargAls …………………………….
tjTargBlip …………………………….
tjTargIdle …………………………….
tjTargLimp …………………………….
tps1 Throttle position 1
tps1A Throttle position 1 - sensor A
tps1AV Throttle position 1 - sensor A voltage
tps1B Throttle position 1 - sensor B
tps1BV Throttle position 1 - sensor B voltage
tps1DT …………………………….
tps1DTF …………………………….
tps1Fault …………………………….
tps1Select …………………………….
tpsClosed Throttle position is below the closed threshold set in CAL
tpsDTMax …………………………….
tpsLow …………………………….
tpsMax Maximum position of all throttle position sensors
trqEstMbtAdd …………………………….
trqFuelMlt …………………………….
trqFuelMltSrc …………………………….
trqFuelSev …………………………….
trqFuelSevSrc …………………………….
trqIgnMax …………………………….
trqIgnMaxSrc …………………………….
trqIgnRtd …………………………….
trqIgnRtdSrc …………………………….
trqIgnSev …………………………….
trqIgnSevSrc …………………………….
trRpm …………………………….
tuneDownSwitch …………………………….
tuneDownSwitchV …………………………….
tuneSwitch …………………………….
tuneSwitchV …………………………….
tuneUpSwitch …………………………….
tuneUpSwitchV …………………………….
turbo1Fault …………………………….
turbo1Select …………………………….
turboFault …………………………….
turboMaxSelect …………………………….
turboSpeed1 …………………………….
turboSpeed1A …………………………….
turboSpeed1ASpikeCount …………………………….
turboSpeed1AV …………………………….
turboSpeed1B …………………………….
turboSpeed1BSpikeCount …………………………….
turboSpeed1BV …………………………….
turboSpeed1DeSpiked …………………………….
turboSpeed1DT …………………………….
turboSpeedDeSpikedMax …………………………….
turboSpeedLimitBase …………………………….
tyreTypeTcSw …………………………….
varFreq …………………………….
vbat Battery voltage
vbatRaw …………………………….
vehicleSpeed non-driven wheel speed
vehicleSpeedAvg …………………………….
vehSpdFault …………………………….
vehStopTime …………………………….
vertG Vertical acceleration (G-sensor)
vertGV Vertical acceleration sensor voltage
viDuty …………………………….
vinTx …………………………….
viOpenTps …………………………….
vvt1Ex Variable cam position - exhaust 1
vvt1ExDuty Variable cam duty cycle - exhaust 1
vvt1ExErr Variable cam error between target and actual position - exhaust 1
vvt1ExI Variable cam integral - exhaust 1
vvt1ExP Variable cam proportional - exhaust 1
vvt1ExRaw Variable cam raw position - exhaust 1
vvt1In Variable cam position - inlet 1
vvt1InDuty Variable cam duty cycle - inlet 1
vvt1InErr Variable cam error between target and actual position - inlet 1
vvt1InI Variable cam integral - inlet 1
vvt1InP Variable cam proportional - inlet 1
vvt1InRaw Variable cam raw position - inlet 1
vvtExBase Variable cam exhaust base duty cycle
vvtExTarg Variable cam exhaust target position
vvtInBase Variable cam inlet base duty cycle
vvtInTarg Variable cam inlet target position
vvtState Variable valve timing system state
waterInjection …………………………….
wg3ErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3MapErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3PrpErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboErrPct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboLimit1 …………………………….
wg3TurboMltAat …………………………….
wg3TurboMltAct1 …………………………….
wg3TurboMltBap …………………………….
wgAddVbat …………………………….
wgAntiphaseDuty1 …………………………….
wgBaseDuty1 Base duty cycle from boost control table
wgDutyAddLearn1 …………………………….
wgcDbwInt1 …………………………….
wgcDbwMapErr1 …………………………….
wgcDbwPD1 …………………………….
wgcMapLimitAddLaunch …………………………….
wgcp1 …………………………….
wgcp1V …………………………….
wgcStrategyActive …………………………….
wgDutyAdd Global wastegate duty adder
wgDutyAddBap Wastegate duty adder based on barometric pressure
wgDutyAddTps1 Wastegate duty adder based on throttle position
wgFinalDuty1 Output duty applied to wastegate control solenoid after all corrections
wgIgnRtd1 …………………………….
wgIntDuty1 …………………………….
wgMapAddCalSw …………………………….
wgMapErr1 …………………………….
wgMapLimit1 …………………………….
wgMapMax1 …………………………….
wgMapMin …………………………….
wgMapStableTimer1 …………………………….
wgMapTarg1 …………………………….
wgMapTargMax …………………………….
wgp1 …………………………….
wgp1DT …………………………….
wgp1Raw …………………………….
wgp1V …………………………….
wgPDSelect1 …………………………….
wgPhaseDuty1 …………………………….
wgpMax …………………………….
wgPrpAddCalSw …………………………….
wgPrpErr1 …………………………….
wgPrpLimit …………………………….
wgTpsProg1 …………………………….
wgTurboErr1 …………………………….
wheelSpin difference between driven wheel speed and vehicle speed
wheelSpinFlt …………………………….
wow …………………………….
wowV …………………………….
wsPitLimitFinal …………………………….
wsPitLimitInt …………………………….
wsPitLimitProp …………………………….
yaw Yaw sensor
yawABs Absolute value of the yaw sensor
yawV Yaw sensor voltage
  • basics/abbreviations.1625392924.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/07/04 12:02
  • by nmerdan