This is an old revision of the document!
The table below may be incomplete, but it should list out all the abbreviations found within the Syvecs Suite. Please add a short description in the “Description” column and any longer details, links to other wiki articles or external resources in the “Details” column. Please keep the list alphabetically sorted.
The number in the output, like act1 and act2, only differentiates two sensors that have different inputs assigned under Pin Assignments. The V suffix on any sensor represents raw voltage as seen on that input (ex. act1V is the voltage on the input assigned to act1).
Abbrevation | Meaning | Details |
aat | Ambient air temperature | |
act1 | Air charge temperature 1 | |
act1Fault | Flag representing if act1 is faulty | |
act1Select | Flag representing if act1A or act1B is used for act1 | |
actAvg | Air charge temperature average between act1 and act2 | |
actionCodeActive | ……………………………. | |
actionCodeClrAck | ……………………………. | |
actionCodeSetAck | ……………………………. | |
actMax | Air charge temperature higher of act1 and act2 | |
actMin | Air charge temperature lower of act1 and act2 | |
adip1Duty | ……………………………. | |
adip2Duty | ……………………………. | |
airConCtl | ……………………………. | |
airConSwitch | Flag representing if the air condition switch is active | |
alsCal | ……………………………. | |
alsDrvAddWheelSpin | ……………………………. | |
alsEnableSwitch | ……………………………. | |
alsPlenumDamping | ……………………………. | |
alsRecovery | ……………………………. | |
alsSelect | ……………………………. | |
alsSelectSwitch | ……………………………. | |
alsSelectSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
alsState | ……………………………. | |
alternatorState | ……………………………. | |
an01V | ……………………………. | |
an0XV | ……………………………. | |
astAvg | ……………………………. | |
astPeak | ……………………………. | |
astPeakIdx | ……………………………. | |
atAccmP | ……………………………. | |
atAccmPDuty | ……………………………. | |
atAccmPV | ……………………………. | |
atAutoRampDown | ……………………………. | |
atAutoRampUp | ……………………………. | |
atLimpFlags | ……………………………. | |
atLineP | ……………………………. | |
atLinePDuty | ……………………………. | |
atLinePDutyMltAtot | ……………………………. | |
atLinePV | ……………………………. | |
atLockP | ……………………………. | |
atLockPDuty | ……………………………. | |
atLockPV | ……………………………. | |
atLowCtl | ……………………………. | |
atMode | ……………………………. | |
atot | ……………………………. | |
atotV | ……………………………. | |
atSelect | ……………………………. | |
atShiftCtl1Duty | ……………………………. | |
atShiftState | ……………………………. | |
atSpdIn | ……………………………. | |
atSpdInV | ……………………………. | |
atSpdOut | ……………………………. | |
atSpdOutV | ……………………………. | |
atTrfAdj | ……………………………. | |
atTrfRaw | ……………………………. | |
atTrfSlip | ……………………………. | |
atTpsPHD | ……………………………. | |
autoStartState | ……………………………. | |
bap | ……………………………. | |
bapV | ……………………………. | |
beaconPulseRaw | ……………………………. | |
beaconPulseVal | ……………………………. | |
bp01Duty_Spare | ……………………………. | |
bp02Duty_Spare | ……………………………. | |
bpd | ……………………………. | |
bpf | ……………………………. | |
bpfV | ……………………………. | |
bpr | ……………………………. | |
bprV | ……………………………. | |
brakeLight | ……………………………. | |
btAn | ……………………………. | |
btMax | ……………………………. | |
btPwr1 | ……………………………. | |
btPwr2 | ……………………………. | |
calChkH | ……………………………. | |
calChkL | ……………………………. | |
calDownSwitch | ……………………………. | |
calDownSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
calibrationState | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideActive | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideAvailTime | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideAvailUses | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideAvailUsesInt | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideCreditTime | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideCreditUses | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideDecision | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideEnableBeacons | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideIgnoreBeacons | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideMaxTimer | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideMinTimer | ……………………………. | |
calOverridePermitted | ……………………………. | |
calOverridePermittedTimer | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideSwitch | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideSwitchA | ……………………………. | |
calOverrideSwitchB | ……………………………. | |
calSelect | ……………………………. | |
calSwitch | ……………………………. | |
calSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
calUpSwitch | ……………………………. | |
calUpSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
camRaw | ……………………………. | |
carCode0X | ……………………………. | |
ccp1 | ……………………………. | |
ccp1Trip | ……………………………. | |
ccp1V | ……………………………. | |
changeLightStage | ……………………………. | |
changeLightState | ……………………………. | |
CJ125HTR_R01 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125IA2_R03 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125IA_R02 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125UN1_R04 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125UN2_R05 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125Vbat_R08 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125VM1_R06 | ……………………………. | |
CJ125VM2_R07 | ……………………………. | |
cllCylOffDis1 | ……………………………. | |
cllCylOffDis2 | ……………………………. | |
cllEnable | ……………………………. | |
cllError1 | ……………………………. | |
cllI1 | ……………………………. | |
cllP1 | ……………………………. | |
cllTarg1 | ……………………………. | |
cllTargAddAct1 | ……………………………. | |
cllTargAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
cllTargAddEct1 | ……………………………. | |
cllTargAddEgt1 | ……………………………. | |
cllTargAddGear | ……………………………. | |
clppA | ……………………………. | |
clppAV | ……………………………. | |
clppB | ……………………………. | |
clppBV | ……………………………. | |
clppMax | ……………………………. | |
clpr | ……………………………. | |
clprV | ……………………………. | |
clps | ……………………………. | |
clpsDTF | ……………………………. | |
clpsV | ……………………………. | |
clPwm01DutyBase_tba | ……………………………. | |
clPwm01DutyFinal_tba | ……………………………. | |
clPwm01DutyI_tba | ……………………………. | |
clPwm01DutyP_tba | ……………………………. | |
Clutch1Pr_UXX | ……………………………. | |
Clutch1Pr_UXXV | ……………………………. | |
Clutch2Pr_UXX | ……………………………. | |
Clutch2Pr_UXXV | ……………………………. | |
clutchSwitch | ……………………………. | |
clutchSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
codeBranch | ……………………………. | |
codeRevision | ……………………………. | |
codeVersion | ……………………………. | |
cruiseActive | ……………………………. | |
cruiseDisableCause | ……………………………. | |
cruiseDisableRpmErr | ……………………………. | |
cruiseDnSwitch | ……………………………. | |
cruisePps | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsAdjGain | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsAdjMax | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsAdjMin | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsBase | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsI | ……………………………. | |
cruisePpsP | ……………………………. | |
cruiseRpmBase | ……………………………. | |
cruiseRpmBaseNudged | ……………………………. | |
cruiseRpmBaseErr | ……………………………. | |
cruiseRpmBaseTarg | ……………………………. | |
cruiseSwitch | ……………………………. | |
cruiseUpSwitch | ……………………………. | |
cruiseVehSpdErr | ……………………………. | |
cruiseVehSpdRpmTune | ……………………………. | |
cruiseVehSpdRpmTuneMax | ……………………………. | |
cruiseVehSpdTarg | ……………………………. | |
cycleCount | ……………………………. | |
cyl01Knock | ……………………………. | |
cyl01KnockFreeCycles | ……………………………. | |
cyl01KnockIgnRetard | ……………………………. | |
cyl01KnockPreIgnCnt | ……………………………. | |
cyl01KnockSatEvtCnt | ……………………………. | |
cyl01KnockThresh | ……………………………. | |
cylinderCount | ……………………………. | |
cylLearnEnable1 | ……………………………. | |
dbgStm | ……………………………. | |
dbw1Duty | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyBase | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyI | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyPD | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyErr | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyLimitDip | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyLimitWgc | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutySelect | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyTarg | ……………………………. | |
dbw1DutyTargDT | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimit | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitAt | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitCalSw | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitGearLearn | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitLaunch | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitLimp | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitPit | ……………………………. | |
dbwLimitRevLimit | ……………………………. | |
dbwMltCalSw | ……………………………. | |
dbwStatus | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargAls | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargBlip | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargIdle | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargLaunch | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargLimp | ……………………………. | |
dbwTargMltGearCut | ……………………………. | |
debugX | ……………………………. | |
dip1 | ……………………………. | |
dip1A | ……………………………. | |
dip1AV | ……………………………. | |
dip1B | ……………………………. | |
dip1BV | ……………………………. | |
dip1Err | ……………………………. | |
dip1Fault | ……………………………. | |
dip1Select | ……………………………. | |
dpc | ……………………………. | |
dpcV | ……………………………. | |
dpcDuty | ……………………………. | |
dpcMode | ……………………………. | |
dpf | ……………………………. | |
dpfV | ……………………………. | |
dpr | ……………………………. | |
dprV | ……………………………. | |
drivenSpeed | ……………………………. | |
driveRatio | ……………………………. | |
driveRatioErr | ……………………………. | |
drLearnGearFlags | ……………………………. | |
drvSpdFault | ……………………………. | |
dsRpm | ……………………………. | |
dtc | ……………………………. | |
dtcV | ……………………………. | |
dtf | ……………………………. | |
dtfV | ……………………………. | |
dTjps | ……………………………. | |
dtr | ……………………………. | |
dtrV | ……………………………. | |
ecp | ……………………………. | |
ecpTripLow | ……………………………. | |
ecpV | ……………………………. | |
ect1 | ……………………………. | |
ect1V | ……………………………. | |
ectMax | ……………………………. | |
ectMin | ……………………………. | |
ectOut | ……………………………. | |
ectOutV | ……………………………. | |
egrDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
egrDutyI | ……………………………. | |
egrDutyPD | ……………………………. | |
egrState | ……………………………. | |
egrTurboErr | ……………………………. | |
egt1 | ……………………………. | |
egt1V | ……………………………. | |
eht | ……………………………. | |
ehtV | ……………………………. | |
enableSwitch | ……………………………. | |
enableSwitchA | ……………………………. | |
engineEnable | ……………………………. | |
engineStopTimer | ……………………………. | |
engTrq | ……………………………. | |
engTrqDmdPps | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstDmdMargin | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstFriction | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstMbt | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstMbtPreClamp | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstMotor | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstOutput | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstOutputPot | ……………………………. | |
engTrqEstOutputTrans | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLim | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimCutSev | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimIgnRtd | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimMlt | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimMltMinIgnRtd | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimMotor | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimPpsLimit | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimRL | ……………………………. | |
engTrqLimV | ……………………………. | |
engTrqV | ……………………………. | |
eop1 | ……………………………. | |
eop1DipCount | ……………………………. | |
eop1StartThresh | ……………………………. | |
eop1TripThresh | ……………………………. | |
eop1V | ……………………………. | |
eot | ……………………………. | |
eotIn | ……………………………. | |
eotInV | ……………………………. | |
eotSq | ……………………………. | |
eotSqV | ……………………………. | |
eotV | ……………………………. | |
errorFlags | ……………………………. | |
errorFlagsH | ……………………………. | |
errorFlagsL | ……………………………. | |
fan1 | ……………………………. | |
fan1Switch | ……………………………. | |
fcyBoostActive | ……………………………. | |
fcyBoostSwitch | ……………………………. | |
fcyLightOn | ……………………………. | |
fcyLimitActive | ……………………………. | |
fcySwitch | ……………………………. | |
flDamper | ……………………………. | |
flDamperV | ……………………………. | |
flSpeed | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedA | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedASpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedAV | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedB | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedBSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedBV | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedCond | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedFault | ……………………………. | |
flSpeedSelect | ……………………………. | |
flvlA | ……………………………. | |
flvlAV | ……………………………. | |
flvlB | ……………………………. | |
flvlBV | ……………………………. | |
flxTrFuelBase | ……………………………. | |
flxTrFuelCrank | ……………………………. | |
flxTrFuelPrelim | ……………………………. | |
flxTrIgnBase | ……………………………. | |
flxTrIgnCrank | ……………………………. | |
flxTrIgnWgMapTarg | ……………………………. | |
fp1 | ……………………………. | |
fp1V | ……………………………. | |
fpMin | ……………………………. | |
fpoSwitch | ……………………………. | |
fpp | ……………………………. | |
fppV | ……………………………. | |
frDamper | ……………………………. | |
frDamperV | ……………………………. | |
frSpeed | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedA | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedASpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedAV | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedB | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedBSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedBV | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedCond | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedFault | ……………………………. | |
frSpeedSelect | ……………………………. | |
ft1 | ……………………………. | |
ft1V | ……………………………. | |
fuelAddDip1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelAddN2o | ……………………………. | |
fuelAddTfc1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelAddVbatPri1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelAddVbatSec1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelBase1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelBaseAddIdle | ……………………………. | |
fuelBaseSec1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelBaseSecBlend1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelComp | ……………………………. | |
fuelCompV | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMass | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMassLR | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMassRate | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMassRateOL | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMassStint | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsMode | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsSwitch | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsVol | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsVolHR | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsVolLR | ……………………………. | |
fuelConsVolRate | ……………………………. | |
fuelDutyPri1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelDutySec1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelFinalPri1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelFinalPriCyl01 | ……………………………. | |
fuelFinalSec1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelFinalSecCyl01 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltAct1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltAls | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltBap | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltCalSw | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltCll1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltCrank1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltDip1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltDipPresTemp1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltDipPresTempInv1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltEct1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltFt1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltGc | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltIdle | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltLoad1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltMap1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltOrfcEnd | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltPortPressTemp1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltRelFp1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelMltSafety | ……………………………. | |
fuelPreInj | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1Duty | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1DutyI | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1DutyP | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1FppErr | ……………………………. | |
fuelPump1FppTarg | ……………………………. | |
fuelSplit1 | ……………………………. | |
fuelSplitForce | ……………………………. | |
fuelSplitSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
fuelStartAngle | ……………………………. | |
fuelStartAngleRtdPri | ……………………………. | |
fuelStartAngleRtdSec | ……………………………. | |
fuelSubDip1 | ……………………………. | |
gcSelect | ……………………………. | |
gcSelectSwitch | ……………………………. | |
gcSelectSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
gdp | ……………………………. | |
gdpV | ……………………………. | |
gear | ……………………………. | |
gearBlipInputV | ……………………………. | |
gearBlipInputVCorr | ……………………………. | |
gearBlipRequest | ……………………………. | |
gearBlipState | ……………………………. | |
gearCutClTime | ……………………………. | |
gearCutDogKickCount | ……………………………. | |
gearCutFailCount | ……………………………. | |
gearCutInputV | ……………………………. | |
gearCutInputVCorr | ……………………………. | |
gearCutRequest | ……………………………. | |
gearCutSecInjDis | ……………………………. | |
gearCutStart | ……………………………. | |
gearCutState | ……………………………. | |
gearCutTargV | ……………………………. | |
gearPreBlipState | ……………………………. | |
gearShiftDirection | ……………………………. | |
gearShiftStartV | ……………………………. | |
gearShiftState | ……………………………. | |
gearShiftTargV | ……………………………. | |
gearV | ……………………………. | |
gpsAccTemp | ……………………………. | |
gpsAltitude | ……………………………. | |
gpsCourse | ……………………………. | |
gpsFixQual | ……………………………. | |
gpsGuyroTemp | ……………………………. | |
gpsHrzDil | ……………………………. | |
gpsLat | ……………………………. | |
gpsLong | ……………………………. | |
gpsMode | ……………………………. | |
gpsNumSats | ……………………………. | |
gpsSpeed | ……………………………. | |
gpsSpeedFault | ……………………………. | |
gpsStatus | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeDay | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeHour | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeMin | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeMonth | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeSec | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeThou | ……………………………. | |
gpsTimeYear | ……………………………. | |
gsp | ……………………………. | |
gspV | ……………………………. | |
gup | ……………………………. | |
gupV | ……………………………. | |
handbrakeSwitch | ……………………………. | |
heatedScreenState | ……………………………. | |
highLoadTimer | ……………………………. | |
iClpwm01Err_ectMax | ……………………………. | |
iClpwm01Targ_ectMax | ……………………………. | |
idleActiveTime | ……………………………. | |
idleControlTime | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyAdd | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyAddAct | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyBase | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyI | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyMltRpm | ……………………………. | |
idleDutyP | ……………………………. | |
idleError | ……………………………. | |
idleIgnAddBase | ……………………………. | |
idleIgnAuth | ……………………………. | |
idleTargAdd | ……………………………. | |
idleTarget | ……………………………. | |
iep | ……………………………. | |
iepV | ……………………………. | |
IFP | ……………………………. | |
IFPV | ……………………………. | |
ignAdd | ……………………………. | |
ignAddAct1 | ……………………………. | |
ignAddBap | ……………………………. | |
ignAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
ignAddCylAC | ……………………………. | |
ignAddEct1 | ……………………………. | |
ignAddEot | ……………………………. | |
ignAddGear | ……………………………. | |
ignAddIdle | ……………………………. | |
ignAddKnock | ……………………………. | |
ignAddKnockEnable | ……………………………. | |
ignAddLoad1 | ……………………………. | |
ignAddMap1 | ……………………………. | |
ignAddN2o | ……………………………. | |
ignAddRelFp1 | ……………………………. | |
ignAddSafety | ……………………………. | |
ignBase1 | ……………………………. | |
ignBaseSec1 | ……………………………. | |
ignCharge | ……………………………. | |
ignDuty | ……………………………. | |
ignFinalPri1 | ……………………………. | |
ignFinalPriCyl01 | ……………………………. | |
ignFinalSec1 | ……………………………. | |
ignFinalSecCyl01 | ……………………………. | |
ignFinalSecMean | ……………………………. | |
ignSafetyActive | ……………………………. | |
iip | ……………………………. | |
iipV | ……………………………. | |
ipp1 | ……………………………. | |
ipp1V | ……………………………. | |
ippMax | ……………………………. | |
iscStepPos | ……………………………. | |
iscStepTarg | ……………………………. | |
iscTarg | ……………………………. | |
iscTargAls | ……………………………. | |
iscTargBlip | ……………………………. | |
iscTargIdle | ……………………………. | |
knockControlActive | ……………………………. | |
knockDetectActive | ……………………………. | |
knockIgnRtdMax | ……………………………. | |
knockNoSignalActive | ……………………………. | |
knockPreIgnCntBC | ……………………………. | |
knockPreIgnFlag | ……………………………. | |
knockShutdownCylinder | ……………………………. | |
knockStatus | ……………………………. | |
knockWarnLight | ……………………………. | |
kt8_1 | ……………………………. | |
lam1 | ……………………………. | |
lam1V | ……………………………. | |
lamHtrV | ……………………………. | |
lapCount | ……………………………. | |
lapTime | ……………………………. | |
lapTimeDelta | ……………………………. | |
lapTimeDeltaH | ……………………………. | |
lapTimeH | ……………………………. | |
lapTimePred | ……………………………. | |
lapTimePredH | ……………………………. | |
lapTimeRef | ……………………………. | |
lastLapLength | ……………………………. | |
lastLapTime | ……………………………. | |
lastLapTimeH | ……………………………. | |
latG | ……………………………. | |
latGAbs | ……………………………. | |
latGNegState | ……………………………. | |
latGPosState | ……………………………. | |
latGV | ……………………………. | |
launchExitState | ……………………………. | |
launchExitTimer | ……………………………. | |
launchHoldTimer | ……………………………. | |
launchInStage | ……………………………. | |
launchMap | ……………………………. | |
launchMapAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
launchMapErr | ……………………………. | |
launchRpm | ……………………………. | |
launchRpmAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
launchRpmAddTps | ……………………………. | |
launchRpmBase | ……………………………. | |
launchRpmErr | ……………………………. | |
launchSecInjDis | ……………………………. | |
launchSelect | ……………………………. | |
launchSelectSwitch | ……………………………. | |
launchSelectSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
launchState | ……………………………. | |
launchSwitch | ……………………………. | |
leanTripThresh | ……………………………. | |
limpMode | ……………………………. | |
limpSwitch | ……………………………. | |
limpSwitchPpsDefault | ……………………………. | |
loadCell1 | ……………………………. | |
loadCell1V | ……………………………. | |
loadCellSum | ……………………………. | |
logDistance | ……………………………. | |
loggingActive | ……………………………. | |
loggingDisabledByPC | ……………………………. | |
loggingSwitch | ……………………………. | |
logMarkerSwitch | ……………………………. | |
logOnLoadKiloCycles | ……………………………. | |
logOnLoadTime | ……………………………. | |
logRunTime | ……………………………. | |
longG | ……………………………. | |
longGAbs | ……………………………. | |
longGV | ……………………………. | |
lowEopLight | ……………………………. | |
lowLoadState | ……………………………. | |
lowVbatLight | ……………………………. | |
LSUTemp | ……………………………. | |
LSUTempV | ……………………………. | |
m4AbsActive | ……………………………. | |
m4AbsLamp | ……………………………. | |
m4AbsMapSwPos | ……………………………. | |
m4BrakeLightSw | ……………………………. | |
m4EbdLamp | ……………………………. | |
magTrqMPUMeasured | ……………………………. | |
magTrqMPUMeasuredFlt | ……………………………. | |
magTrqVMPUMeasured | ……………………………. | |
map1 | ……………………………. | |
map1A | ……………………………. | |
map1AV | ……………………………. | |
map1DT | ……………………………. | |
map1Fault | ……………………………. | |
map1Select | ……………………………. | |
mapDTMax | ……………………………. | |
mapLimitBase | ……………………………. | |
mapMax | ……………………………. | |
masterState1 | ……………………………. | |
mlBarrelPos | ……………………………. | |
mlCurrent | ……………………………. | |
mlPwm | ……………………………. | |
mlTargetPos | ……………………………. | |
multiFan1 | ……………………………. | |
n2oAddVbat | ……………………………. | |
n2oBase | ……………………………. | |
n2oCal | ……………………………. | |
n2oFinal | ……………………………. | |
n2oHeat | ……………………………. | |
n2oMltBap | ……………………………. | |
n2oMltLaunch | ……………………………. | |
n2oMltSecLoad | ……………………………. | |
n2oMltVehSpd | ……………………………. | |
n2op | ……………………………. | |
n2opV | ……………………………. | |
n2oSwitch | ……………………………. | |
neutralLight | ……………………………. | |
onLoadTime | ……………………………. | |
onTime | ……………………………. | |
orfcRpm | ……………………………. | |
phasedStartOnly | ……………………………. | |
pitch | ……………………………. | |
pitchV | ……………………………. | |
pitDistance | ……………………………. | |
pitLimitActive | ……………………………. | |
pitRpmError | ……………………………. | |
pitSelect | ……………………………. | |
pitSelectSwitch | ……………………………. | |
pitSelectSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
pitSpeedError | ……………………………. | |
pitSpeedTarget | ……………………………. | |
pitSwitch | ……………………………. | |
ppsA | ……………………………. | |
ppsAPwmFreq | ……………………………. | |
ppsAV | ……………………………. | |
ppsDriver | ……………………………. | |
ppsExternal | ……………………………. | |
ppsExternalV | ……………………………. | |
ppsFault | ……………………………. | |
ppsFinal | ……………………………. | |
ppsLearnState | ……………………………. | |
ppsSelect | ……………………………. | |
preIgnShutdownCylinder | ……………………………. | |
prp1 | ……………………………. | |
prp1DT | ……………………………. | |
prp1V | ……………………………. | |
pulsedOilPumpInterval | ……………………………. | |
radarSpeed | ……………………………. | |
radarSpeedSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
radarSpeedV | ……………………………. | |
rainLightOn | ……………………………. | |
rainLightSwitch | ……………………………. | |
rainLightSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
refLapClrSwitch | ……………………………. | |
relFp1 | ……………………………. | |
relFpMax | ……………………………. | |
relFpMin | ……………………………. | |
revCutActive | ……………………………. | |
revCutReduction | ……………………………. | |
revCutRpm | ……………………………. | |
reverseDetentSwitch | ……………………………. | |
reverseLight | ……………………………. | |
revLimitActive | ……………………………. | |
revLimitLimp | ……………………………. | |
revLimitReduction | ……………………………. | |
revLimitRpm | ……………………………. | |
revLimitRpmErr | ……………………………. | |
rlDamper | ……………………………. | |
rlDamperV | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeed | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedA | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedASpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedAV | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedB | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedBSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedBV | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedCond | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedFault | ……………………………. | |
rlSpeedSelect | ……………………………. | |
roll | ……………………………. | |
rollV | ……………………………. | |
rpm | ……………………………. | |
rpmAvg | ……………………………. | |
rpmDT | ……………………………. | |
rpmDTR | ……………………………. | |
rpmFromVS | ……………………………. | |
rpmPostDownshift | ……………………………. | |
rpmPostUpshift | ……………………………. | |
rrDamper | ……………………………. | |
rrDamperV | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeed | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedA | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedASpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedAV | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedB | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedBSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedBV | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedCond | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedFault | ……………………………. | |
rrSpeedSelect | ……………………………. | |
runMode | ……………………………. | |
runNumber | ……………………………. | |
runTime | ……………………………. | |
runTimeLR | ……………………………. | |
safetyMarginSwitch | ……………………………. | |
safetyMarginSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
sbv1 | ……………………………. | |
sbv1Base | ……………………………. | |
sbv1ClInt | ……………………………. | |
sbv1ClMapErr | ……………………………. | |
sbv1ClMapTarg | ……………………………. | |
sbv1ClPD | ……………………………. | |
sbv1DTF | ……………………………. | |
sbv1Duty | ……………………………. | |
sbv1DutyBase | ……………………………. | |
sbv1DutyI | ……………………………. | |
sbv1DutyPD | ……………………………. | |
sbv1Err | ……………………………. | |
sbv1Targ | ……………………………. | |
sbv1V | ……………………………. | |
sdip1Duty | ……………………………. | |
sdip1DutyBase | ……………………………. | |
sdip1DutyKI | ……………………………. | |
sdip1DutyP | ……………………………. | |
sdipHoldAngle | ……………………………. | |
sdipOpenTime | ……………………………. | |
sdipTarg | ……………………………. | |
sdipTargBase | ……………………………. | |
sdipTargMaxEct | ……………………………. | |
sdipTargRodLimit | ……………………………. | |
sdipTargRoiLimit | ……………………………. | |
selectSwitchesCombined | ……………………………. | |
sensorSwitch | ……………………………. | |
sensorWarningLevel | ……………………………. | |
sensorWarningLight | ……………………………. | |
spdCtrlRangeA | ……………………………. | |
spdCtrlRangeB | ……………………………. | |
starterEnable | ……………………………. | |
startedHeater | ……………………………. | |
swa | ……………………………. | |
swaAbs | ……………………………. | |
swaV | ……………………………. | |
syncFastPhaseEnabled | ……………………………. | |
syncFault | ……………………………. | |
syncFaultGapIdx | ……………………………. | |
syncFaultPhase | ……………………………. | |
syncOmitValidationRev | ……………………………. | |
syncState | ……………………………. | |
tachoV | ……………………………. | |
tbvDuty | ……………………………. | |
tbvDutyAls | ……………………………. | |
tbvDutyBlip | ……………………………. | |
tbvDutyIdle | ……………………………. | |
tbvDutyLimp | ……………………………. | |
tcDownSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tcDownSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
tcEnableSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tcGainTcSw | ……………………………. | |
tcSelect | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinAddLapDist | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinAddTcSw | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinAddTuneSw | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinErr | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinMltTcSw | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinTarg | ……………………………. | |
tcSpinTargRaw | ……………………………. | |
tcSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tcSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
tcTrq | ……………………………. | |
tcTrqDecayLinTcSw | ……………………………. | |
tcTrqDecayRecTcTw | ……………………………. | |
tcUpSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tcUpSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
tep | ……………………………. | |
tepV | ……………………………. | |
tet | ……………………………. | |
tetV | ……………………………. | |
tfcNegClamp | ……………………………. | |
tfcNegDecay | ……………………………. | |
tfcNegGain | ……………………………. | |
tfcPosClamp | ……………………………. | |
tfcPosDecay | ……………………………. | |
tfcPosGain | ……………………………. | |
tfcState | ……………………………. | |
tfcSum1 | ……………………………. | |
timeOnLoadRemaining | ……………………………. | |
tip | ……………………………. | |
tipV | ……………………………. | |
tit | ……………………………. | |
titV | ……………………………. | |
tjCtlDuty | ……………………………. | |
tjCtlDutyD | ……………………………. | |
tjCtlDutyP | ……………………………. | |
tjps | ……………………………. | |
tjpsErr | ……………………………. | |
tjpsTarg | ……………………………. | |
tjpsV | ……………………………. | |
tjTargAls | ……………………………. | |
tjTargBlip | ……………………………. | |
tjTargIdle | ……………………………. | |
tjTargLimp | ……………………………. | |
tps1 | ……………………………. | |
tps1A | ……………………………. | |
tps1AV | ……………………………. | |
tps1B | ……………………………. | |
tps1BV | ……………………………. | |
tps1DT | ……………………………. | |
tps1DTF | ……………………………. | |
tps1Fault | ……………………………. | |
tps1Select | ……………………………. | |
tpsClosed | ……………………………. | |
tpsDTMax | ……………………………. | |
tpsLow | ……………………………. | |
tpsMax | ……………………………. | |
trqEstMbtAdd | ……………………………. | |
trqFuelMlt | ……………………………. | |
trqFuelMltSrc | ……………………………. | |
trqFuelSev | ……………………………. | |
trqFuelSevSrc | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnMax | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnMaxSrc | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnRtd | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnRtdSrc | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnSev | ……………………………. | |
trqIgnSevSrc | ……………………………. | |
trRpm | ……………………………. | |
tuneDownSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tuneDownSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
tuneSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tuneSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
tuneUpSwitch | ……………………………. | |
tuneUpSwitchV | ……………………………. | |
turbo1Fault | ……………………………. | |
turbo1Select | ……………………………. | |
turboFault | ……………………………. | |
turboMaxSelect | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1 | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1A | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1ASpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1AV | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1B | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1BSpikeCount | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1BV | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1DeSpiked | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeed1DT | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeedDeSpikedMax | ……………………………. | |
turboSpeedLimitBase | ……………………………. | |
tyreTypeTcSw | ……………………………. | |
varFreq | ……………………………. | |
vbat | ……………………………. | |
vbatRaw | ……………………………. | |
vehicleSpeed | ……………………………. | |
vehicleSpeedAvg | ……………………………. | |
vehSpdFault | ……………………………. | |
vehStopTime | ……………………………. | |
vertG | ……………………………. | |
vertGV | ……………………………. | |
viDuty | ……………………………. | |
vinTx | ……………………………. | |
viOpenTps | ……………………………. | |
vvt1Ex | ……………………………. | |
vvt1ExDuty | ……………………………. | |
vvt1ExErr | ……………………………. | |
vvt1ExI | ……………………………. | |
vvt1ExP | ……………………………. | |
vvt1ExRaw | ……………………………. | |
vvt1In | ……………………………. | |
vvt1InDuty | ……………………………. | |
vvt1InErr | ……………………………. | |
vvt1InI | ……………………………. | |
vvt1InP | ……………………………. | |
vvt1InRaw | ……………………………. | |
vvtExBase | ……………………………. | |
vvtExTarg | ……………………………. | |
vvtInBase | ……………………………. | |
vvtInTarg | ……………………………. | |
vvtState | ……………………………. | |
waterInjection | ……………………………. | |
wg3ErrPct1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3MapErrPct1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3PrpErrPct1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3TurboErrPct1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3TurboLimit1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3TurboMltAat | ……………………………. | |
wg3TurboMltAct1 | ……………………………. | |
wg3TurboMltBap | ……………………………. | |
wgAddVbat | ……………………………. | |
wgAntiphaseDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
wgBaseDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
wgDutyAddLearn1 | ……………………………. | |
wgcDbwInt1 | ……………………………. | |
wgcDbwMapErr1 | ……………………………. | |
wgcDbwPD1 | ……………………………. | |
wgcMapLimitAddLaunch | ……………………………. | |
wgcp1 | ……………………………. | |
wgcp1V | ……………………………. | |
wgcStrategyActive | ……………………………. | |
wgDutyAdd | ……………………………. | |
wgDutyAddBap | ……………………………. | |
wgDutyAddTps1 | ……………………………. | |
wgFinalDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
wgIgnRtd1 | ……………………………. | |
wgIntDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
wgMapErr1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapLimit1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapMax1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapMin | ……………………………. | |
wgMapStableTimer1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapTarg1 | ……………………………. | |
wgMapTargMax | ……………………………. | |
wgp1 | ……………………………. | |
wgp1DT | ……………………………. | |
wgp1Raw | ……………………………. | |
wgp1V | ……………………………. | |
wgPDSelect1 | ……………………………. | |
wgPhaseDuty1 | ……………………………. | |
wgpMax | ……………………………. | |
wgPrpAddCalSw | ……………………………. | |
wgPrpErr1 | ……………………………. | |
wgPrpLimit | ……………………………. | |
wgTpsProg1 | ……………………………. | |
wgTurboErr1 | ……………………………. | |
wheelSpin | ……………………………. | |
wheelSpinFlt | ……………………………. | |
wow | ……………………………. | |
wowV | ……………………………. | |
wsPitLimitFinal | ……………………………. | |
wsPitLimitInt | ……………………………. | |
wsPitLimitProp | ……………………………. | |
yaw | ……………………………. | |
yawABs | ……………………………. | |
yawV | ……………………………. |